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live foods.

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live foods. Empty live foods.

Post by ksimdjembe Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:28 pm

I've got some killifish fry growing up and currently I've been feeding microworms.

What would be the normal progression of foods as the fry grow?

I know some people swear by brine shrimp, some hate it. Some like liquidfry foods, some move into powders and flakes, some prefer infusoria as a starter and move into foods collected in pails and buckets in warmer temperatures. Some grow dafnia.

Lots of livebearers move right into flakes on day one, but lots of other fish require more work. What do you offer fry as they grow?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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live foods. Empty Re: live foods.

Post by Biulu Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:12 pm

It depends a lot on the species. I normally read up on what they recommend or ask people that have raised fry of the same species.

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live foods. Empty Re: live foods.

Post by GaryE Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:17 pm

Most Aphyosemions and Fundulopanchax here start with live artemia. I also use decapsulated artemia and sometimes krill fines.
I have had great results with just decapsulated artemia cysts, however. I suspect they grow more slowly than with live, but not much.
I never use microworms as I always kill my cultures, and the worms sink anyway.
Many Epiplatys are really small, and they get krill fines to start, and artemia within a day or two.

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live foods. Empty Re: live foods.

Post by ksimdjembe Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:35 pm

How long till you switch to a larger food?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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