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Live cultures

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Live cultures Empty Live cultures

Post by Biulu Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:20 pm

I have recently obtained several live cultures, namely:
micro worms (from David)
grindal worms (from David)
wingless fruit flies (at the last club meeting).

Micro worms I have had before and used basically for fry. I am now thinking though that they might also be good food for some small fish, such as badis.

The grindal worms I have not yet used, but I plan on using them for fish that eat at most levels of the tank, like my peacock gobies, tetras, guppies etc.

The wingless fruit flies are also new to me, but I assume that these would be good for fish that are predators and like to eat from the surface, such as killies, bettas and gouramis.

Does anybody else feed live food and which live food do you use for which type of fish?

Posts : 3694
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Live cultures Empty Re: Live cultures

Post by l_l_l Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:27 pm

I feed grindal worms, that's pretty much it. Razz

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Live cultures Empty Re: Live cultures

Post by Biulu Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:03 pm

As I saw there was a nice portion of fruit flies, I decided to take the test.

The killies ate them almost immediately and one male betta did. The female bettas seemed lazy as they were not going after the food, when it dashed away in the current and the female mahachai has not eaten any yet.

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Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Live cultures Empty Re: Live cultures

Post by GaryE Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:18 pm

I use a lot.
I have grindal and white worm cultures, Microworms (too small for Badis) and live artemia going all the time now.
In Spring, I'll add Daphnia and mosquito larvae, and I am looking for wingless fruit flies. Beware if you have duckweed - they escape. Be prepared to make up a story!
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Live cultures Empty Re: Live cultures

Post by Biulu Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:22 pm

GaryE wrote:I use a lot.
In Spring, I'll add Daphnia and mosquito larvae, and I am looking for wingless fruit flies. Beware if you have duckweed - they escape. Be prepared to make up a story!

Already noticed that with water lettuce.....

I think that in a week you can get a starter culture of wingless fruit flies from me. The club guy was very generous with the culture I got from him.

Are you using the different cultures for different types of fish? Or do you just feed what you have available to any of them?

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Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Live cultures Empty Re: Live cultures

Post by GaryE Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:55 pm

I avoid white worms with herbivores, as they are very fatty and low in fibre (according to hobby lore). Wingless fruit flies are for surface feeders only. Bettas love them.
Microworms are for tiny bottom huggers - I find them close to useless, but okay for very tiny fry that can deal with how quickly they sink.
Daphnia and mosquito larvae are for everything big enough to take them.
Artemia are for everything under 2 inches.
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