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aquatic medications

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aquatic medications Empty aquatic medications

Post by Sandman1969 Sat Aug 15, 2020 1:39 pm

So I recently found out that there's an antibiotic for swim bladder, just need to find out where to get some.
Where do you guys go for meds now? It's not melafix. I need to find TMP Sulfa -or- Sulfa 4 TMP from what I can find.

Any help?

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by sucker4plecos Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:25 pm

The government has pulled almost all medications from the shelves as of Dec. There are a few almost useless products still available but IMO are not worth bothering with. You can only get antibiotics through a vet and likely at a substantial cost when you factor in everything involved (making an appointment, prescription cost, etc.)

I go old school when medicating - aquarium salt (or kosher or sea salt) at 1 tbl spoon per 5 gallons. You can keep the carbon/charcoal running in the filter as it won't remove the salt like it would meds. Epsom salt can be used for some ailments as it can relax fish and act as a diuretic to help clear parasites. I use it at 1 tea spoon per 5 gallons. I've even used it to help what I think are overdue livebearers to pass their fry.

The only way to get fish meds is to buy them in the US, but you can't order and ship them because they won't be allowed over the border.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Location : Kitchener ON

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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by alexmtl Sat Aug 15, 2020 9:06 pm

Thanks @sucker4plecos

US availability on most of these meds only.
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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by Sandman1969 Sat Aug 15, 2020 11:07 pm

sucker4plecos wrote:The government has pulled almost all medications from the shelves as of Dec. There are a few almost useless products still available but IMO are not worth bothering with. You can only get antibiotics through a vet and likely at a substantial cost when you factor in everything involved (making an appointment, prescription cost, etc.)

I go old school when medicating - aquarium salt (or kosher or sea salt) at 1 tbl spoon per 5 gallons. You can keep the carbon/charcoal running in the filter as it won't remove the salt like it would meds. Epsom salt can be used for some ailments as it can relax fish and act as a diuretic to help clear parasites. I use it at 1 tea spoon per 5 gallons. I've even used it to help what I think are overdue livebearers to pass their fry.

The only way to get fish meds is to buy them in the US, but you can't order and ship them because they won't be allowed over the border.

Ya, I've called a few vets here in London Ontario with no luck. These same vets told me to contact the Guelph campus and they say it's false info they take care of fish. So vets seem to be a no go. We have tried one epsom salt bath which did nothing for him. We did find out there's a human antibiotic that may work for his issue if we can get it.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by sucker4plecos Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:24 am

I do know of one vet that will deal with marine and fresh water fish.

Cambridge Veterinary Services
519 623-3347
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Location : Kitchener ON

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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by Sandman1969 Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:11 pm

sucker4plecos wrote:I do know of one vet that will deal with marine and fresh water fish.

Cambridge Veterinary Services
519 623-3347

I sent them an email along with a pic of Sharky. Hope they can help him out. He's got a nasty sore on his side now. Can't use melafix as it bothers him for some reason. So after each water change, I add aquarium salt.
aquatic medications Sharky10

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by Sandman1969 Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:57 am

sucker4plecos wrote:I do know of one vet that will deal with marine and fresh water fish.

Cambridge Veterinary Services
519 623-3347

They are not very affordable. They want $135 to diagnose etc. Thanks for trying though.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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aquatic medications Empty Re: aquatic medications

Post by Sandman1969 Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:14 pm

sucker4plecos wrote:I do know of one vet that will deal with marine and fresh water fish.

Cambridge Veterinary Services
519 623-3347

We did end up going with them and Dr John has a treatment for us of Amoxicillin. 10 vials for 10 days of treatment. So we shall see....

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

Posts : 398
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