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What's in prepared fish foods?

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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by ksimdjembe Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:04 am

An article that I saw posted elsewhere, thought I'd share it here. I don't know how much stock I'd put into the depth of the info or the research that went into it, but if nothing else, it is interesting.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by Starfish Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:17 pm

Definitely a lot of information in that article and something to think about. When I have more time, I might just look at all the ingredients in the stuff I am using now. Thanks for posting the link.
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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by cephalotus Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:06 pm

Wow, what a thorough and jam packed information source. Well worth the read. Thanks for posting this!
Angel Fish
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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by Biulu Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:14 pm

It would be great if Melody would chime in on this topic; it is her specialty. She has pointed out back on CAC several times how some preservatives used in supposedly quality foods are not good at all for our fish.

I now have discontinued the purchase of a certain brand of shrimp pellets that my fish loved as a result of it.

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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by April Thu May 15, 2014 5:26 pm

well I know that a well known fish food company uses feather meal for their protein source. its also used in a lot of low end dog foods that are advertised on tv! chicken..no...chicken feathers! ground up to meal. what do chicken feathers have in them? all the meds etc used on growing chickens. Tylenol, caffeine, antibiotics, etc.


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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by Biulu Thu May 15, 2014 7:45 pm

We had a very nice presentation on fish nutrition from Les Wilson (Cobalt Aquatics) last night.

It wasn't just another sales talk. He explained very clearly what the needs of fish are in terms of nutrition and what we as aquarists like to get from the food.

Very informative and I will read labels carefully the next time I buy food!

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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by l_l_l Fri May 16, 2014 3:21 pm

I always read food labels when shopping for my pet's food, be my cat's, dog's or fish.
I am proud to say that I feed only quality food to my pets, even if the bill is twice as expensive. I know that my pets will live healthier and for longer.

I wish I was able to make it to the presentation on wednesday but looks like I prefered to watch the hockey game Razz

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What's in prepared fish foods? Empty Re: What's in prepared fish foods?

Post by Sbenson11 Sat May 17, 2014 5:00 am

Great article,

It does concern me what is in my fish food that I am feed my monsters. However I just don't know enough about it to know what I am reading. Another thing to research. Smile


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