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My tanks (Introducing myself)

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My tanks (Introducing myself) Empty My tanks (Introducing myself)

Post by Kelly aquatics Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:21 am

Hello I am a aquarium hobbyist and I have 3 tanks a 10g 75g an 125g I am into large cichlids and predators!
My 10g is a grow out for baby Jack demspsys my 75g is divided with my breeding Jack dempsys on one side and my delhezi bichir grow outs on the other side my 125 houses my two 8inch oscars I live in ontario and have been apart of other forums like monster fish keepers but I am excited to join this one here are some tank pics!!My tanks (Introducing myself) Img_2010
My tanks (Introducing myself) 20200610
My tanks (Introducing myself) Img_2011

Kelly aquatics
Fish Fry
Fish Fry

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Join date : 2020-07-15

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My tanks (Introducing myself) Empty Re: My tanks (Introducing myself)

Post by alexmtl Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:59 am

Hi Kelly Aquatics,
Welcome to the pond! Nice to see that you have some large fish. I liked the Jack Dempseys and it is not often to see them being bred as they get to be quite large. Nice to see someone with large tanks!
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