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Monsters in my back yard.

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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Monsters in my back yard.

Post by Sbenson11 Fri Jun 29, 2018 6:29 pm

A quick little video of the Monsters that live in my back yard.



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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by Fores41 Sat Jun 30, 2018 7:37 pm

Was Tigger in this Video I thought I saw him about the middle of it.
The Koi look like they are doing well Steve.
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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Jul 01, 2018 2:10 pm

That's him in the middle of the frenzy.

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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by alexmtl Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:13 pm

I heard a little dog in the background. My guess is that the dog is about the same size as the koi. You must go through more koi food, than dog food. Very Happy

Just curious, despite your hectic schedule, have you produced any new koi lately?
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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by Sbenson11 Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:26 pm

alexmtl wrote:I heard a little dog in the background. My guess is that the dog is about the same size as the koi. You must go through more koi food, than dog food. Very Happy

Just curious, despite your hectic schedule, have you produced any new koi lately?  

More Koi then Dog food? that's an easy one, way more Smile remember the $400 worth of Koi food I bought back in March, that's almost gone, time to reload. The good news is I am down to what I would call my personal fish, but that's still 51 hungry mouths to feed.

unfortunately breeding has had to take a back seat. two years ago i excavated for a new 10,000g pond, only to have to fill it back in. Last year I selected a new location and dug a new hole that would have been closer to 12 or 13,000. Now we are expanding our warehouse and you guessed it, right where my new pond was going to go. So that hole is going to get filled in. We are finally going to get the roof on the greenhouse where my new tanks are going to go. So I should have 4 new 250G tanks setup this fall.

Thant new pond might end up inside the greenhouse yet.


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Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by l_l_l Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:13 pm

Great video, thanks for sharing!

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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by Fores41 Thu Jul 05, 2018 10:08 am

Steve just build a new Greenhouse with 8 foot shelving 4-5 foot in the pond below 3-4 ft above water and away you go. Just no harsh fertilization on he plants above. Put some walkways in just above the water kill 2 birds with one stone. as they say. Smile Smile Happydance Just giving you enabling Ideas.
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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by alexmtl Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:47 pm

Fores41 wrote:Steve just build a new Greenhouse with 8 foot shelving 4-5 foot in the pond below 3-4 ft above water and away you go. Just no harsh fertilization on he plants above. Put some walkways in just above the water kill 2 birds with one stone. as they say. Smile Smile Happydance Just giving you enabling Ideas.

Enabling ideas ?? If you are building a greenhouse and going to plant something, why not a plant that has roots that would soak up the nitrogen from these monsters? Something that is in really high demand and with leaves that can be harvested and sold all year long? I read on the internet that there are high value cash crops and that this could be done... I'm sure that's what Fores41 really had in mind...
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Monsters in my back yard. Empty Re: Monsters in my back yard.

Post by Shell Tue Jul 17, 2018 5:03 pm

LOVE your finned monsters! Some day, we will have a backyard pond...oh yes, we will!!! Enjoyed the video!
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