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Filtration questions

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Filtration questions Empty Filtration questions

Post by Orlon11 Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:18 pm

I'm trying to figure out what to do with the filter for my new 55 gallon. It came with an aqua tech 30-60, which is apparently the same as an old-model penguin filter. From what I can find online, it uses a filter cartridge with carbon in it, and a biomedia insert that is sold with the filter.

The problem is, I hate cartridges, and the biomedia insert is not there. Also from the reviews, its just not that great a filter.

Could I fill the filter chambers (there's one on each side) with random sponges and biomax, and maybe back it up with a sponge filter? From what I'm reading, it seems that sponge filters are actually quite good. I can't quite figure out if you're supposed to run them with an air pump or with a powerhead.

I also plan on at least temporarily switching my AC 30 from the ten gallon to the new tank, when I transfer the fish over. Would that end up being too much filtration?

Am I overthinking this?

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by CAAIndie Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:24 pm

You really can't over filter a tank. Smile

I run my sponge with a strong air filter. Good for bio filtration particularly, but having some good mechanical filtration is a must too. I also remove the carbon from both my AC30 and C3 and fill it with extra biomedia and sponge (both fine and coarse). Good luck.

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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by Mykuhl Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:22 am

Yes,  you can fill the chambers with sponges and bio-media if water flows through the chambers and out tothe output of the filter with little to no bypass. Sponge filters are very good for biological filtration and they do a decent job with mechanical filtration as well. They can be run using an air pump or a powerhead, it's really a matter of preference. I think you will be fine if you choose to use all 3 filters. The only possible concern would be that all three filter might produce too much current  in your tank, if you are keeping fish that like little water current.


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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by CAAIndie Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:25 am

Mykuhl wrote:Yes,  you can fill the chambers with sponges and bio-media if water flows through the chambers and out tothe output of the filter with little to no bypass. Sponge filters are very good for biological filtration and they do a decent job with mechanical filtration as well. They can be run using an air pump or a powerhead, it's really a matter of preference. I think you will be fine if you choose to use all 3 filters. The only possible concern would be that all three filter might produce too much current  in your tank, if you are keeping fish that like little water current.

I didn't mention current, I agree that all 3 would be good, pending any current sensitive fish. Smile

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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:13 am

CAAIndie wrote:I didn't mention current, I agree that all 3 would be good, pending any current sensitive fish. Smile

Your slipping. Smile


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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by Suprd71 Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:44 am

I also have a 30/60 that i got with a used tank. I tossed the cartridges, kept the black bio-pads and put floss behind them. It runs well, is quiet and has been purring along for over a year. I dont count on it for much other than moving water and a little mechanical. Adding a FluvalC4 to your 55 would put the tank in good standing
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by Biulu Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:13 am

I would add a sponge filter and fill the aquatech to you liking. Another advantage with the sponge filter in the tank will be that you badis can 'graze' of them. These filters are great for small living organisms.

The current is also an important point. I kept dwarf gouramis in a tank with an Eheim filter which has slow flow and they immediately produced a nest and fry.

Now that I have them in a tank with a much stronger Rena filter there is too much current and nothing is going on anymore. In this case, this is actually how I wanted it.....

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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by Orlon11 Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:45 am

I guess I need to figure out what's going in the tank besides the chameleon badis and guppies. It will be a couple weeks before I have a weekend free to paint the room, so I've got plenty of time to think.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Filtration questions Empty Re: Filtration questions

Post by caoder Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:55 pm

A few suggestions, if it will be a few weeks, there are a few ways you can maximize the pump in that tank.

1. Use a sponge filter attached to the filter... those cheap ebay sponge filters can be made to match an ac30... it adds lots of surface area for bacteria and slows flow a bit for current sensitive fish. (running on a 15g with the Betta Edithae pair for breeding)

2. Overfiltering is never a bad thing. I have an ac50, old whisper 30g HOB and a powerhead attached to a sponge filter on a 33G. The current provided by these filters was much appreciated by all fish in the tank and the decorations allowed for both surface current and calmer mid-levels to suit most fish.
The tank had danios, otocinclus, furcatus rainbowfish, a couple dwarf cichlids, neon tetras (the ones who least liked the current), loaches and it was well planted.

3. Placement of Current, I think most freshwater fish are more used to surface current, with slower water in the middle and substrate levels. its very difficult to completely replicate such a system, but making sure the water level is high enough to reach the spillways of the HOBs and placing powerheads high up on the side of the tank all help create the surface current and calmer mid-levels allowing fish to choose their desired locations.

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