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Finally, great water test results!!!!

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Finally, great water test results!!!! Empty Finally, great water test results!!!!

Post by nyleveiam Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:02 pm

I decided to test ALL my tanks tonight prior to my regular Saturday morning PWC. (Usually I just check certain ones at different times in the week). First I did the 20 gal that I have been having problems with nitrites and really high nitrates... ph was 7.6, ammonia was 0, nitrates also 0 and nitrates at 20. FINALLY!!!!!
Both other 20's tested exactly the same except one has ph of 7.2 (the one with the new driftwood).
The new 55 did show the slightest tint of ammonia, but just a tint, well under the .25 color, and had 0 nitrites and 20 nitrates. That tank has only been up and running for 3 weeks now, but I also used old filter sponges and old still wet gravel. I treated with some prime and will do another water change on Monday (as well as the regular one tomorrow).
Then, I bravely tested my 29 with the Wintering goldfish. I was amazed to find 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites, but the nitrates were up to 40. Not too bad for a tank with five gold fish, most of them quite large!!!! They routinely get a bigger water change but I will do another check on Monday with them. Only about another month and they can go back into their outside pond, I'm not sure who will be happier, me or them!!!!
It seemed like forever with the danio tank and those high nitrites and nitrates, but finally everything looks much better. I really must have stalled out that cycle with the addition of the meds for the ich.
If I had only found you guys BEFORE I started the first tanks. It would have been a MUCH smoother ride, I am sure!!!
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Finally, great water test results!!!! Empty Re: Finally, great water test results!!!!

Post by CAAIndie Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:22 pm

Very happy to hear you have had improved numbers. Smile

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Finally, great water test results!!!! Empty Re: Finally, great water test results!!!!

Post by JayB Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:40 am

Glad to hear you're getting good numbers. You've probably had a couple of mini cycles which could have been the source of > 0 ammonia and nitrites. Once things have settled down you'll find no need to keep testing (unless you notice something amiss in the tanks).
Angel Fish
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Finally, great water test results!!!! Empty Re: Finally, great water test results!!!!

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:53 am

Good to hear, nothing more frustrating then struggling with water issues.


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Finally, great water test results!!!! Empty Re: Finally, great water test results!!!!

Post by Shell Sat Mar 08, 2014 5:58 am

Hooray!   cheers  Glad the tests are  giving you good results - it such a good feeling when things begin to balance out, for sure. As JayB said, the good news is that once you get straight good readings, you'll really only have to test if things look "off" in a tank. Take a nice deep breath and give yourself a pat on the back  Very Happy
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Finally, great water test results!!!! Empty Re: Finally, great water test results!!!!

Post by goldfishbetalover Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:38 am

yeah! great news!
I used to test my tanks every day! was always so worried about the fish!
happy your readings are good!!!!
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