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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:08 am

Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

This is the last straw for me and the water from my tap. We have been at odds for some time now over the Chloramine they have been adding and now I find out they are also adding Ammonium Chlouride to the water?

Well Mr.Tap it's been fun but for the health of my fish it's time to move on. I have been toying with the idea of getting a RO/DI system for some time now and I finally decided it's time to pull the trigger. I ordered a system that is designed specifically designed for dealing with Chloramine lased water.


It just arrive yesterday and I have the RO portion setup here at work to provide water for the big boys. Ultimately it will be permanently installed in my house to provide water form my SW aquariums and I will probably get just a RO system for the fresh water fish.


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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by Shell Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:43 am

Wow - I can just imagine the level of frustration this would cause.  But, how fantastic that you can now make the water safer for your water-children! Yay for RO!  Very Happy
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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Mar 08, 2014 6:48 am

It's been painful constantly fighting the water. I still plan on mixing the RO water with tap water so I don't get rid of all the minerals in the water.


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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by nyleveiam Sat Mar 08, 2014 7:00 am

It is SOOOO nice to have that frustration removed from my water... we have a well and because we are so close to the Connecticut River we actually have softer than average water for around NH.
It makes it really nice in the Winter as I can just top off the tanks during the week without any worries about conditioning what I put in. Also makes it MUCH easier using my Python.
Oh yeah, there is also not a HUGE water bill when I let it run to keep the siphon going uphill to the kitchen sink.
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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by caoder Sat Mar 08, 2014 3:20 pm

You are going to need a huge resivoir too keep all of the to that t you will need for your water changes... I hope this will be a good solution for you.
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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by goldfishbetalover Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:47 am

frustrating for sure!!!!!!
glad y0u have a solution to the frustration!!!!
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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:39 pm

caoder wrote:You are going to need a huge reservoir too keep all of the to that t you will need for your water changes... I hope this will be a good solution for you.

For my SW aquariums it is the solution and really the reason I bought the system. I also bought the setup to plumb it into a tap in the kitchen. The filters for the fridge are $100 a crack so I hope to be able to plum it into that as well.

For the freshwater tanks this may only be a temporary fix until the fish go outside. Remains to be seen.



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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by alexmtl Sun Mar 09, 2014 6:13 pm

Well that is quite an investment.

Are you also considering creating an outdoor pond to act as a water reservoir. I knew that many farmers built these reservoirs in order to pump water into as holding tanks for water for irrigation. Not sure about your acreage or if your land is suited for this. This may complement your greenhouse operations as a source of untreated water for the seedlings.
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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by caoder Sun Mar 09, 2014 8:31 pm

Unfortunate ro units use so much water. They are definitely best for sw tanks though. Its well worth the investment on any Sw tank larger than 55g even if you have a great LFS really close like me.
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Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water... Empty Re: Iv'e finally had it with my municipal water...

Post by Sbenson11 Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:24 am

alexmtl wrote:Well that is quite an investment.

Are you also considering creating an outdoor pond to act as a water reservoir. I knew that many farmers built these reservoirs in order to pump water into as holding tanks for water for irrigation. Not sure about your acreage or if your land is suited for this. This may complement your greenhouse operations as a source of untreated water for the seedlings.

The front runner so far is collecting rain water off the roof. We have underground holding tanks from when we were on well water. Looking at getting them back in operation.


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