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Fish room

the clean guy
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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Fish room

Post by Biulu Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:36 pm

First topic message reminder :

I am back in Mtl so it is time to work on the fish room. It is not as big as it sounds; it is a closet where the water tank is located and measures about 3 x 1.5 metres and that space includes the water tank. The advantage is that thanks to that tank, the temperatures are quite high (currently my water is still 25 degrees without a heater) so I will only need a heater in winter time if breeding e.g. my angels.

For those that have seen the thread on CAC, I have a gorilla rack in there from which I want to use only 3 shelves for tanks, and the other 2 will be for storing stuff. Then there is a small Ikea rack on which I have a 29 gallon and on the shelf below there is space for 2 5 gallons side by side.

The first task will be to replace the rather thin shelves of the big rack with 3/4 plywood. I want to varnish them with boat varnish to protect them from the inevitable water that will drop on them.

Then I need an electrician to put in some extra outlets plus I assume the current 2 circuits that are part of that room (1 for the water tank and 1 for the air exchanger) need to get extra amperage.

Until here it is all pretty straight forward. The third task will be lighting. Gary's system with hanging lamps is only possible for the one tank that is on a top shelf. The rest will need some other kind of lighting.

As the space between the shelves is quite small, I wonder what the best option would be. Installing shelf wide T5's? Should I buy these LED plastic chains/hoses that you buy by the metre? Anybody any ideas?

Posts : 3694
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by Biulu Fri May 23, 2014 10:35 am

l_l_l wrote:I really like the evolution of this and really makes me wish I had more room for a fish room in my place! Maybe one day!  Twisted Evil 

Yes, I am really lucky! Although I started out with a 5 gallon in a 1.5 room apartment too...
Try to make it to the MAS June meeting; GaryE is going to talk about fish breeding tips also for those that have limited time, space and tanks!

Posts : 3694
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by JayB Fri May 23, 2014 1:24 pm

Biulu wrote:Today I went to Canadian Tire to buy a plastic storage unit for all the odds and ends I have in my fish closet and I saw something which suits my needs even better.

A 100 litre transparent plastic box! That makes around 20 gallons and would be ideal for the breeding and grow out of my gourami and betta species. The dimensions are such that it fits very nicely on the shelf while leaving room for 1 10 gallon short side out.

It also makes me very flexible. Much more flexible than with a 2 10s and the investment is minimal compared.

I used something similar as a breeder/holding tank for my Limia Tridens at one point. I I can't recall but think it was a Sterilite one. Just be aware that it will bow when filled with water. Nevertheless it was quite solid (bowed less than Rubbermaid... possibly because it is a harder plastic) and I never had any issues with it (but never filled it more than about 3/4 full)
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by Biulu Fri May 23, 2014 3:23 pm

This one comes with a lid which will hold it together better I think. I might also make some sort of brace if it would bow.

It will not be more than half full in the beginning for the spawning and then when they are free swimming and getting bigger, I plan to slowly up the water level.

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by JayB Fri May 23, 2014 3:29 pm

Sounds good. I used the lid too and cut a hole in it to accommodate my HOB filter.... worked well.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by Biulu Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:15 pm

I have not been on the forum this weekend as I have been working on some improvements in my fish closet. I have expanded this summer and I know I wouldn't have any space for my orchids when they come in for the winter. Now, I wanted to avoid the 'Steve syndrome' especially since the temperatures suddenly dropped here in Montreal. So, I added some shelf space:

Fish room  - Page 4 15056535307_58d7ef46ed_zDSC02186 by Biulu, on Flickr

Caoder had lent me this stud finder but I wonder whether it really worked as the drilling holes only yielded dry wall dust and pink insulation material!

Fish room  - Page 4 15056534918_f99f258aac_zDSC02201 by Biulu, on Flickr

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by The PlantGuy Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:22 pm

Tank looks nice!....I"ve never had luck with stud finders either (insert joke here)...Always end up drilling  a bunch of holes...almost better to just measure from the end of the wall 16inch...

The PlantGuy

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Fish room  - Page 4 Empty Re: Fish room

Post by Biulu Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:02 pm

Thanks Plantguy! I personally consider this to be my nicest tank: http://canadaquaria.canadian-forum.com/t1443-the-winning-tank-is-no-more

It is also conveniently located in the living room so it is an attractive piece of decoration!

The studfinder was great for ensuring I didn't hit any electrical wires though. A light would go on if I were too close to a cable or other metal covered wire.

As I used the dry wall anchors I assume that the supports are strong enough for my purpose; not for fish tanks but for the plants and materials yes.

Posts : 3694
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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