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Visit to an importer/wholesaler

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Visit to an importer/wholesaler Empty Visit to an importer/wholesaler

Post by Biulu Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:07 pm

A big aquarium shop in the east of the Netherlands allowed me to choose my badis fish at the place of their supplier as they were not able to get the new stock on time. What an opportunity!

It is a family run business with 100+ tanks and imports from Asia, Africa and South America. Here are some pictures of their set-up and interesting fish:

Visit to an importer/wholesaler 31660364434_28b16b1f2a_zDSC06392 - Copy by Biulu, on Flickr

Visit to an importer/wholesaler 32351721892_b62157e3bb_zDSC06393 - Copy by Biulu, on Flickr

Individual filtering:

Visit to an importer/wholesaler 32463167686_a5a839cbe8_zDSC06394 - Copy by Biulu, on Flickr

Heating system that allows to vary the temp per rack
Visit to an importer/wholesaler 31660349294_9555a2062e_zDSC06398 by Biulu, on Flickr

Unbagging new imports (black ghost knife fish)
Visit to an importer/wholesaler 32351706442_158038a41f_zDSC06400 by Biulu, on Flickr

Netting fish (for me Very Happy )
Visit to an importer/wholesaler 32463153926_49e1d9f5de_zDSC06399 by Biulu, on Flickr

And some weirdos:
Visit to an importer/wholesaler 31692264453_2086d2bbd2_zDSC06397 - Copy by Biulu, on Flickr

Visit to an importer/wholesaler 32463182866_8ae7edcde3_zDSC06390 - Copy by Biulu, on Flickr

Visit to an importer/wholesaler 32351731032_2472742c6b_zDSC06388 - Copy by Biulu, on Flickr

Posts : 3694
Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Visit to an importer/wholesaler Empty Re: Visit to an importer/wholesaler

Post by l_l_l Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:06 am

Wow! What a nice place! How did you manage to visit this place? Did you know them personally? Smile

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Visit to an importer/wholesaler Empty Re: Visit to an importer/wholesaler

Post by Fores41 Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:51 pm

That would be a great place to see and I would like some of the Half beaks 3rd photo from bottom. I read up a little in a magazine called Amazonas on them.
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Visit to an importer/wholesaler Empty Re: Visit to an importer/wholesaler

Post by Sbenson11 Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:35 am

WOW what an opportunity.


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Visit to an importer/wholesaler Empty Re: Visit to an importer/wholesaler

Post by Biulu Thu Jan 26, 2017 6:32 pm

Yeah, it was really great! I did not know them before but now I do...

I played the Canada card and had been in communication with the retailer (Aquarium Veldhuis) before going to the Netherlands. The 'fish' manager is a hobbyist himself and said: 'I can't guarantee to have female scarlet badis and don't want you to come for nothing. I know my supplier has them and I will ask him if it is OK to pick them up yourself there.'

The importer explained how they had started the business, how their set-up worked and said I could take as many pictures as I wanted. He only had 1 request: as he was just unloading some imports, he asked me not to take pictures of tanks with dead fish in it that had just arrived so as not to give him a bad name.

He said (and he is right about that): I cannot always predict how the fish arrive, especially not in the case of wild caught fish. I have prepared the tanks in advance, need to unload them as quickly as possible and can only start looking at batches with sick and dead fish once everything is in its tanks.

@Fores41: I am interested in the halfbeaks as well, but they will have to wait until I have space again, but boy! were they tempting!

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Visit to an importer/wholesaler Empty Re: Visit to an importer/wholesaler

Post by Fores41 Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:40 pm

I can believe that Biulu that would have been a great place to visit.
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