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Cooking for the fish

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Cooking for the fish Empty Cooking for the fish

Post by GaryE Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:09 am

Finally, there is snow here. And there's enough falling that it has turned into one of those lazy, can't get out and do things days. We got back from New Brunswick last night after 10 hours' driving, so a quiet day was just what the doctor ordered.
I made a batch of fish food today. I have some Cichlids, for the first time in ages, and the breeding activity isn't what I want. They need better food than flake and brine shrimp. I can't feed bloodworms due to an allergy, my whiteworm cultures are not thriving and Daphnia season is over. So I took out the stick blender and did this:
One kilo of on sale mock shrimp;
a jar of pea and carrot baby food;
500 gr (or so) of east coast dulse (seaweed);
a large sprinkle of astaxanthin powder;
a box of knox gelatin.

I blended it into a soup, and am now waiting for the gelatin to set before I freeze it. I have made versions of this many times, substituting mild paprika for astaxanthin, and often using northern shrimp to go with the cheap fish. The fish get their veggies along with digestable protein and colour enhancing algae powder. There should be good roughage with the peas, carrots and seaweed.

I'm glad to have a few days off to get little projects like this done. Any suggestions for the next batch?
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Cooking for the fish Empty Re: Cooking for the fish

Post by Fores41 Mon Jan 04, 2016 11:29 am

Sounds like good food Gary so does the gelatin float or sink when fed?
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