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Betta Help!

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Betta Help! Empty Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:14 am

I have 10 Cardinal tetras, 1 Neon tetra, 1 Clown Pleco (3inches) and a Betta (normal). 33g.

Am I able to put my Betta in my aquarium? I am afraid that if I do, it'll chase my fish and stress them too much. I just got rid of some Rasboras cornering them.

What do I do?

Mathodo Shire

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Shell Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:46 am

Welcome to the community! 

Unfortunately, I have never kept cardinals or neons, but I do have black skirt tetras, and they are fin nippers, for sure. I would be more worried about a betta being bullied by my tetras than the other way around. My gut tells me that, while neons might be okay with a betta, cardinals may not (hopefully someone with experience keeping cardinals and betta together will pipe in). 

Also, I have experience with betta fish, but I have always kept them solo. From what other members have said, however, it can also depend on the 'personality,' so to speak, of the betta (and of course the other fish), where some are more aggressive than others.

In what is your betta living now? Is he fairly young, or an older fish? 

Also, you say you got rid of the rasboras concerning them, do you mean that the rasboras were chasing your other fish, or vice-versa?

Sorry I can't answer your question with any certainty - I am sure other members will chime in soon with some helpful input! 

Again, welcome. Consider popping by the introductions section to tell us more about you and your fish  Smile

Last edited by Shell on Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Fores41 Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:27 pm

What type of tail type is your Beta. Most Beta's swim like they are wearing a wedding dress so most fish out swim them very easily. The Beta is usually the one you have to worry about as the other fish will nip their tails.
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:30 pm

The Rasboras were not chasing them, they were cornering them, if ever you want, I can send you a picture of my tank. My betta was in a guppy cage back when I had a 5g tank with 4 cardinals, 2 female guppies and 2 algae eaters. didn't seem to flare or anything. Ill see if I get more info before taking the chance.

Mathodo Shire

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:32 pm


My betta when I bought it was a normal tail type, I had my Cardinals with guppies already and didn't nip at their tails. but im worried that my betta might strike at them at any moment.

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by CAAIndie Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:37 pm

I'll expand on Fores41's question. I also assume by a normal Betta you are referring to the common varieties seen in fish stores (Betta Splendens), Betta is a genus of a huge group species each with behavioural differences.

I will agree that it may depend on the personality of the betta. He may get along with everyone or he may not. I know of a number of members whom  have and do keep bettas in communities. As for a compatability difference between the Cardinals and the neon,  I suspect there is little to no difference. Both are very placid fish (cardinals have to be the most none aggressive/chill fish I have kept).

I agree with Fores41 that in most cases people need to be more concerned about fin nipping against the betta, however I suspect that probably wouldn't be an issue with that current stock. Not sure about the aggression the other direction though (Betta attacking the tetra). I suspect it would be a bit of a guess until you tried.

BTW we love pictures. It'd be great to see the tank.

Last edited by CAAIndie on Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Shell Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:40 pm

Mathodo Shire wrote:The Rasboras were not chasing them, they were cornering them, if ever you want, I can send you a picture of my tank. My betta was in a guppy cage back when I had a 5g tank with 4 cardinals, 2 female guppies and 2 algae eaters. didn't seem to flare or anything. Ill see if I get more info before taking the chance.

Ha! I think I have to go back to grade school...I obviously read that sentence too quickly - thought it said 'concerning' not 'cornering' at first glance! Oops - my apologies Embarassed
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:23 pm

Betta Help! Fish113

Betta Help! Fish212

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:24 pm

Forgot to say that I have 2 Algae Eaters too. Sorry.

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Fores41 Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:34 pm

If by regular tail you mean Veil tail or spade tail they are usually the most common. Then Crown tail a little more expensive and then Halfmoon  most expensive. Then a Plakat type which has short fins and may cause a problem as they can swim normally. Regular Betta's  swim to slow to be a real threat to most fish and if he is aggressive soon learns he can't keep up and mellows out toward other fish. From what I see in the Pics the Cardinals have lots of room for swimming to avoid a Betta. Like I said try swimming in a wedding dress for speed and you get the idea of what the Betta swims like.
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by CAAIndie Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:54 pm

Mathodo Shire wrote:Forgot to say that I have 2 Algae Eaters too. Sorry.

Can you get a picture of your "algae eaters"? That is really a catch all term for a lot of different fish (Otos, some plecos, siamese algae eaters, etc).

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:11 pm

CAA, Theyre Siamese Algae eaters

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:16 pm

Betta Help! Fish310

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:20 pm

Betta Help! Img_8710

This is my Betta.

BTW, when I put a mirror in front of him, he doesn't seem to care/notice.

Mathodo Shire

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by CAAIndie Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:59 pm

Mathodo Shire wrote:CAA, Theyre Siamese Algae eaters

What you have posted is actually an otocinclus. A lovely fish, I am keeping them too. Just a thought to keep in mind, they are a social fish, and are happiest in small groups. If you get an opportunity to add a few more, that is optimal. Smile

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by GaryE Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:00 pm

Bettas will do fine with everything there except the algae eaters. You'd need some floating plants, ideally.
You have to have a still tank, as a wild Betta does not have long fins - the look is man made. It is a real problem for the fish in a strong filter flow, and no problem in a gently moving tank.
If they are Siamese algae eaters, okay. If they are Chinese ones (CAA), best of luck, they will destroy your tank. From the photo, I don't see Otocinclus. I see juveniles of an Asian algae eater. Could you take more of a close-up picture? I could easily be wrong.
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by CAAIndie Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:06 pm

I agree with a larger picture if possible. I zoomed it on my phone to get a better look, still looks like an oto to me based on the head/eyes.

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:02 pm

I just looked up ''Otocinclus'' on google images and is showed exactly what mine are!

Gary, I wasn't worried about the Algae eaters because I know that Bettas go along with Plecos or simallar well, it was just the tetras I was worried about since they have lots of color and are known to be fin nippers.

Mathodo Shire

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by fish lady Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:21 pm

I have had betta in with neons and cards with no problems
right now one of my males is in with rams,angels,dainos and BN plecos and again to problems
the only thing i would do is add more plants to your tank
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:26 pm

Thank you Fish Lady!

Will it go good with the Otocincluses? and the Clown Pleco, want to make sure before I put the betta in.

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by CAAIndie Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:39 pm

They will be fine with them. Otos are very placid too, and good at hiding. Although as I mentioned, a group of 5+ is optimal. They become less shy. Just a random note, that you may already know, but I might as slip in for anyone else who is curious about them in the future, be sure to supplement their diet (they can't easily survive on algae alone). The same with the clown pleco, extra things to supplement diet are needed (I have a 4 or 5 year old clown pleco too! Smile). It's good to see someone with a pleco that stays small!  I agree about the plants! They would be great in your tank. I have never regretted the move to live plants. The fish love them too.

Perhaps consider starting a tank journal too! They are a great way to track your progress, ask question, and see the evolution of your tank. (Here is a link to some of our tank journals https://www.canadaquaria.ca/f12-tank-journal)

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:29 am

Thank you! 2 more questions. When will I be able to give my Pleco Cucumbers and all?
And are my Otos able to eat vegetables too?

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Mathodo Shire Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:31 am

Oh, and ive already been with live plants, the month I started fish keeping.
I like how they move with the current

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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by fish lady Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:11 am

Give it to him now all my plecos get some including the fry
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Betta Help! Empty Re: Betta Help!

Post by Biulu Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:38 am

I feed blanched zucchini on a regular basis to my fish as many like it. I have noticed though that since I have the otos that they even outcompete the angels for the zucchini!

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