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Female betta and ottos

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Female betta and ottos Empty Female betta and ottos

Post by Shell Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:09 pm

We are preparing to adopt a female betta fish. We have a 10g up and running, along with seeded media. Problem? My heart is too big! I just found two ottos in need of a home as well. Two questions, as I have never kept ottos: are the chances high that a female betta will not "appreciate" the presence of ottos? Also, do ottos generally fail in a 'new unestablished' tank with no algae (this is what I have read a few times)? This female betta was previously living in a sorority, but no other types of fish, just female bettas. 

We do have an empty 3G with sponge filter here...but that is too small for either. Could be used as a temporary back up though if these two fish are likely to be incompatible. 

Experiences or thoughts?

Last edited by Shell on Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female betta and ottos Empty Re: Female betta and ottos

Post by CAAIndie Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:22 pm

Otos are definitely going to be best in an established tank with algae, and best with supplementing (algae wafers, cucumber, zucchini, peas. etc.)

I've read mixed things about bettas and otos. Many say that they generally get along okay, or that any mild aggression seems to be reduced by the speed of the otos. That being said, I've also read account of people with "grumpy" bettas that will continually pester otos, sometimes to death.

Not really that helpful, but just thoughts. I just recently added otos (several of which died quite quickly, perhaps seen on other threads, but probably due to them being wild caught, and have a reputation from making the transition into home aquaria difficult sometimes. Have since replaced and this batch seems much happier). Away from that tangent, not a betta, but my ram, checkerboard, and loaches all seem to ignore them, with the exception of the ram briefly chasing them away when food is involved.

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Female betta and ottos Empty Re: Female betta and ottos

Post by Shell Thu Mar 05, 2015 4:31 pm

Thanks Indie, this info is helpful. I would like to add the ottos into the 220 eventually, but I am hesitant, as the fish in there are so well established. I have decided not to house the betta with the ottos if we adopt them. I am just concerned about any problems that may occur after QT-ing the ottos for a few months and then adding them into the 220. Crying or Very sad

I am also worried about the lack of algae in a QT tank....
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Female betta and ottos Empty Re: Female betta and ottos

Post by Biulu Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:44 pm

In general bettas do well with other fish than their own species. Just as a precaution, introduce the betta last. In that case it is not yet 'her territory' that is being invaded but she is invading territory of other fish. That makes them much more acceptable of the existing inhabitants.

I introduced today a male betta into a tank with 2 large swordtails and a goldfish. The first 10 minutes he was flaring to anything and everybody. When he then noticed that these fish reacted to his flaring by distancing themselves from him, he calmed down and went to look for a place to stay at the top of the tank.

Ottos normally require algae for food and adding veggies in general is a kind of supplement. It might even be difficult to get them to change diet if they are used to eating algae.

I would never add otos to tanks without real plants. And then only when these plants have leaves that are sufficiently big to sustain an oto. In other words, if you only have plants with very fine leaves such as cabomba, I wouldn't keep otos there either.

I hope this helps. Btw, depending upon the foot print of the 3 gallon, you could very well keep a betta in there.

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Female betta and ottos Empty Re: Female betta and ottos

Post by JanesAddiction Fri Mar 06, 2015 7:14 am

Awe @Shell...you remind me of myself...I have too big of a heart as well! I hope all goes well with these guys for you!
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Female betta and ottos Empty Re: Female betta and ottos

Post by Shell Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:22 am

Thanks for the info Biulu - very helpful! And, yes, JanesAddiction, it sounds like we share that characteristic! 

It looks like we will only be getting the female betta for now. Hubby is picking her up this morning. Turns out the ottos are over 2 hours away - we didn't realize that when we answered the ad...the location on the map was way off!
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