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When to add Blue Rams??

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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty When to add Blue Rams??

Post by HappyFish Mon May 18, 2015 12:53 pm

Would it be safe to add my blue rams in the beginning of August?  

Starting from today that would give my tank roughly two months to mature.

Or would that be too early?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by fish lady Mon May 18, 2015 3:00 pm

how are you cycling
fish lady
fish lady
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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by HappyFish Mon May 18, 2015 3:52 pm

I was cycling with convicts but because my tank was fishless for a night I'm going to play it safe and assume I'm restarting the cycle. Right now I have my neons/cardinalS in there.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by fish lady Mon May 18, 2015 4:08 pm

if it is good for neons it is fine for rams just do your water tests
fish lady
fish lady
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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by CAAIndie Mon May 18, 2015 10:01 pm

I think I will somewhat echo the same advice. I would wait and see how all the inhabitants are doing, and then assess. If everyone is doing well at that point, you should be good. Neons are definitely a more sensitive fish (especially more so these days, compared to the past), but rams can be notoriously sensitive too. If the tank is all nicely cycled, and you find the water change routine you have keeps the nitrates fairly low, you should be in good shape. I think you really need to be commended for your patience. A lot of new hobbyists will jump into everything and rush the additions of fish.

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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by HappyFish Wed May 20, 2015 2:49 pm

Ok....so far the neons are doing OK. They are all still alive. Back when I had the convicts I did a water change every day until I ran out of the dechlorinator. I then changed the water every three days with aged water. So far I've been keeping up with that routine.

I have no idea if they are eating though. The second day I had them I over killed it with food because I thought if they could just see the food they would eat. Which they did. One stuffed himself so full he was bloated for the night. He's OK now. (I also did a water change that night and removed any extra food.)

They are very nervous of me so right after I put a little bit of food in the tank I leave the room in hopes they see it. I'm quite tempted to set up the baby monitor to the tank so I can tell if they are eating. Lol When I come back though the food is gone and I don't see it on the gravel...

Thank you for the compliment! Very Happy I would like to say my patience was a learned skill growing up with brothers and dealing with my husband! Wink

I'm sure I'm the first to ask Embarassed ....but since my one fish was bloated it's been on my mind.

Had he continued to be bloated (I know I read somewhere to feed them peas...) would baby food peas be ok to give them? The baby food I'm talking about has only 2 ingredients. Water and mashed peas. I don't feed my baby anything that has anything else added.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by fish lady Wed May 20, 2015 4:05 pm

i only use f/t peas for my fish just squeeze out the in side
even in baby food there are preservative
fish lady
fish lady
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When to add Blue Rams?? Empty Re: When to add Blue Rams??

Post by HappyFish Wed May 20, 2015 4:56 pm

Ok thanks! Smile
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Location : Saint John, New Brunswick

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