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Spring is in the air

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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Spring is in the air

Post by CAAIndie Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:36 pm

First topic message reminder :

Well... Spring is in the air in a few different places in our large country, in others... as we have seen in other threads... we have another month or two of snow. The time is coming to think about the upcoming season, either because it is a reality, or to escape our reality.

What is on your wish list for fish/plants/new tanks for the coming season (at at least whenever it warms up enough for shipping)?

A few things on my list:

- My other half has expressed... well mild interest, in the idea of keeping a betta. I plan on fostering this as much as I can! I always love new fish. Perhaps a nice little 5 gallon or something may be in order

-Continued plants to improve plant growth in my tank, I have seen much faster growth in some of my plants since the addition of my DIY Co2 system. I would really like to improve my aquascaping skills

- I'd also like to increase the number of rummynose tetra in my tank, as well as track down some more amano shrimp. I still have 3 of first set I ever bought a few years ago, but I'd like to have a few more

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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Biulu Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:49 am

sailfinja wrote:The two tequila females were looking fairly pregnant so I moved them to two separate five gallon tanks. Unfortunately one died a day after the move (must remember leave well enough alone). One of the female monty's dropped 8 to 10 young this morning, I was going to scoop them out but decided I'd better let them be. Hopefully mom and dad will also let them be.

Very nice! As far as I know swordtails normally leave their fry alone.
I hear you with the female Tequila! In several occasions I also thought it be better to separate a fish for X, Y or Z reason only to find them dead shortly after.

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by l_l_l Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:04 am

I've heard that Z.Tequila are fry eaters but will eat only a few of them if there is good ground cover.

I just got a breeding group two weekends ago, I'll confirm this, as they are in an heavily planted tank.
Of course they are very young so I don't expect to see a lot of fry for the first drops.

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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by GaryE Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:50 am

I just pulled a few kilos of maple leaves out of the mini-pond, and checked in on the still frozen Daphnia cultures. Those are signs of Spring in my backyard.
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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by sailfinja Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:09 am

These particular tequila's are big "steak eaters". The two, plus male, were left alone for their first two drops and I never saw a young. Also, shortly after I got them (about teenage size) I placed them in a planted tank of three week old guppies. I expected to loose a few, but within a couple of days they were all gone. The lone female is still plump. She is in a tank with swordtail young, about a month old. I figure if she drops odds are some will survive hidden amongst the swords.
Angel Fish
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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Fores41 Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:22 pm

Good luck with the Tequila's. I am so bad with names the little algae guys are Otocinclus catfish and now I need some more Amazon fish like Tetra's and Cories and other small fish.
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Spring is in the air - Page 2 Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Biulu Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:56 pm

sailfinja wrote:These particular tequila's are big "steak eaters". The two, plus male, were left alone for their first two drops and I never saw a young. Also, shortly after I got them (about teenage size) I placed them in  a planted tank of three week old guppies. I expected to loose a few, but within a couple of days they were all gone. The lone female is still plump. She is in a tank with swordtail young, about a month old. I figure if she drops odds are some will survive hidden amongst the swords.

Sounds like a plan!

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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