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Spring is in the air

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Spring is in the air Empty Spring is in the air

Post by CAAIndie Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:36 pm

Well... Spring is in the air in a few different places in our large country, in others... as we have seen in other threads... we have another month or two of snow. The time is coming to think about the upcoming season, either because it is a reality, or to escape our reality.

What is on your wish list for fish/plants/new tanks for the coming season (at at least whenever it warms up enough for shipping)?

A few things on my list:

- My other half has expressed... well mild interest, in the idea of keeping a betta. I plan on fostering this as much as I can! I always love new fish. Perhaps a nice little 5 gallon or something may be in order

-Continued plants to improve plant growth in my tank, I have seen much faster growth in some of my plants since the addition of my DIY Co2 system. I would really like to improve my aquascaping skills

- I'd also like to increase the number of rummynose tetra in my tank, as well as track down some more amano shrimp. I still have 3 of first set I ever bought a few years ago, but I'd like to have a few more

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Fores41 Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:44 pm

Not looking to add to much my better half just bought 2 neon and 2 gold tetras the other day when we went to a pet store in another town. I must addmit I was suprised, they now live with a Crown betta and guppies.So just would like another Gold Severum to add at this point.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by guppyguy Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:00 pm

Hmm for me I am seeking to track down the rare livebearers Quintana atrizona and Scolichtys iota. I also want to get more gold heterandria formosa. Searching for more amano shrimp and habrorus corys. There is a few more plants species I have on my wish list year. And I guarantee there will be some surprises as well that I did not plan to buy but will find and just have to have.

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Starfish Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:18 pm

Definitely felt like spring today. Saw a couple of robins, which always makes me happy this time of year. Interesting thing is I also saw a snowy owl. Not too often you see those two birds in the same day.

Fish-wise... I already purchased a new betta last month with a little 3g to sit in the living room. Was hoping to get a new bristlenose or clown pleco to replace the two I lost recently but there were none at the LFS.

Still hoping to clear out the blue gravel in the 29g and replace with something more natural. I have been planning this for over a year now. Maybe it will happen this time around.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by MEH Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:48 am

If we are talking about Wish List, I'd love to make a little pond in my back yard...maybe move some of my tank fish out there or even better, buy a few more goldfish.
For me, it's been hit and miss when buying fish.
Any recommendations in GTA Ontario?


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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Shell Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:54 am

Maybe I will be getting some 'new line tequilas' at some point over the next few months...hint, hint....Gary Wink

We do plan on starting up another 55g, so we will be buying some equipment for that over the next while. 

Nothing too exciting to report with regard to upcoming plans....yet!
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Fishypastor Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:49 am

I need to just let my planted tanks get established. I also need to figure out the permanent residents of my 56 gallon. As i have just learned, i may be setting myself up for some frankenfish lol. I want to keep Experimenting with growing plants in my filters.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Starfish Sat Mar 21, 2015 7:01 pm

MEH wrote:If we are talking about Wish List, I'd love to make a little pond in my back yard...maybe move some of my tank fish out there or even better, buy a few more goldfish.
For me, it's been hit and miss when buying fish.
Any recommendations in GTA Ontario?

When I visit the GTA, I always like to hit Big Al's. I like the one in Newmarket, so usually stop there on my way home. I never go downtown TO unless I absolutely have to so I don't know what is there in the way of fish stores.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by ksimdjembe Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:27 pm

MEH, if you are in the GTA, you have to make the trip to (either or both) finatics and menagerie pet shop.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by guppyguy Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:55 pm

ksimdjembe wrote:MEH, if you are in the GTA, you have to make the trip to (either or both) finatics and menagerie pet shop.

I agree there as there both fantastic stores.

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by catinthehat Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:16 pm

ksimdjembe wrote:MEH, if you are in the GTA, you have to make the trip to (either or both) finatics and menagerie pet shop.

Two incredibly good fish stores.

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by nyleveiam Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:39 am

First day of Spring and I woke up to wigglers in my tank!!! Unfortunately, they are in a community tank so unlikely to survive much longer, but I now have an afternoon project to move fish around and get them their own tank.
This is the first time laying eggs for this pair, the female laid once before, then killed the male. This time she has a much larger male and he is devoted to the cause!
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by nyleveiam Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:51 am

Well, they ate them before I got them moved, figures!
They would have probably frozen to death anyway, it is 19f today with wind gusts up to 45mph. Nice and sunny though!!! Our weather person said to not blame him but to blame it on a Canadian front, hehehe!
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Biulu Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:33 pm

nyleveiam wrote:First day of Spring and I woke up to wigglers in my tank!!!  Unfortunately, they are in a community tank so unlikely to survive much longer, but I now have an afternoon project to move fish around and get them their own tank.
This is the first time laying eggs for this pair, the female laid once before, then killed the male.  This time she has a much larger male and he is devoted to the cause!

What are the fish you got the wigglers from?

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Biulu Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:34 pm

@MEH: there are several lfs quite close together in Mississauga. One of them is Finatics which indeed is a great store!

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Starfish Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:03 pm

I have never heard of Finatics. I'll have to try and get over there and check it out next time I am heading to Milton.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Biulu Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:07 pm

The owner is a fish fanatic, just like us which makes a huge difference...

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by MEH Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:32 am

Starfish wrote:
MEH wrote:If we are talking about Wish List, I'd love to make a little pond in my back yard...maybe move some of my tank fish out there or even better, buy a few more goldfish.
For me, it's been hit and miss when buying fish.
Any recommendations in GTA Ontario?

When I visit the GTA, I always like to hit Big Al's. I like the one in Newmarket, so usually stop there on my way home. I never go downtown TO unless I absolutely have to so I don't know what is there in the way of fish stores.

lol, I don't like being in the GTA at rush hour...never can get around quickly.
I have visited the 2 Big Al's located in Toronto. They were fine, but the goldfish section wasn't awesome...could be because of the time of the year.
The Newmarket Big Al's is not too far a drive for me.
I will check it out.
Thank you.

ksimdjembe wrote:MEH, if you are in the GTA, you have to make the trip to (either or both) finatics and menagerie pet shop.

catinthehat wrote:
ksimdjembe wrote:MEH, if you are in the GTA, you have to make the trip to (either or both) finatics and menagerie pet shop.

Two incredibly good fish stores.

Biulu wrote:@MEH: there are several lfs quite close together in Mississauga. One of them is Finatics which indeed is a great store!

Thank you guys for the 2 suggestions.
I have/do visit Menagerie and purchased a wakin form them a few months ago.
Very happy with it.
Haven't visited Finatics, but heard of them.
Will definitely check it out.

Thanks again Smile


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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by nyleveiam Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:41 pm

Biulu wrote:
nyleveiam wrote:First day of Spring and I woke up to wigglers in my tank!!!  Unfortunately, they are in a community tank so unlikely to survive much longer, but I now have an afternoon project to move fish around and get them their own tank.
This is the first time laying eggs for this pair, the female laid once before, then killed the male.  This time she has a much larger male and he is devoted to the cause!

What are the fish you got the wigglers from?
My Angel fish, Biulu. After a year they finally paired off and I ended up with THREE pairs, plus two odd ones out. I did move the ones that had the wigglers over to their own tank (After they ate the wigglers)... the others will have to deal with a community tank. So far there is no fighting.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Biulu Tue Mar 24, 2015 1:17 pm

Congratulations! And also great to have 3 pairs....

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by CAAIndie Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:26 pm

Spring coming back in the next few weeks! Has anyone started to put together some fish lists they are after? Perhaps they have some big plans or goals for their tanks.

I plan to do some more aquascaping soon! Hoping to really improve this aspect of my tank. Smile

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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Sbenson11 Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:31 am

New fish, not this year.

Work will commence on the new Koi house and pond this spring. We poured the pad for the 8 250G tanks last fall and dug the rough outline of the new 10,000G pond. The structure of the greenhouse still has to be built and all the other tanks built and installed. The plan for this year is to get the 8-250s installed and the roof on before the fall. Also hoping to get the pond done as well. Lots of work to be done, so we will see what I can get accomplished.


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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by sailfinja Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:02 pm

I,m not looking to add anything new. Hoping to get some young from the trio of Tequilla Goodeids. I pretty sure both females have dropped twice and eaten all the young. I still have 11 or 12 Monty's from the 16 young that were born last April before the parents died. Only 3 are females. They are all of good size and health but I don't think they've dropped yet. Then there are the Brachyrhaphis roseni! They have been doing quite well in the community tank but I haven't seen any young. Some guppy and swordtail fry manage to survive and grow up in the tank (there's about ten 3 day old fry in there right now) so if they can make it past a few hours I would be able to net them out to a grow tank.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by Fores41 Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:49 am

Well I just started a new 55 gal planted tank so now I will want some Rainbows and shrimp and a small type of plant safe algae eater. The ones I want are about 3 cm when grown out.
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Spring is in the air Empty Re: Spring is in the air

Post by sailfinja Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:53 pm

The two tequila females were looking fairly pregnant so I moved them to two separate five gallon tanks. Unfortunately one died a day after the move (must remember leave well enough alone). One of the female monty's dropped 8 to 10 young this morning, I was going to scoop them out but decided I'd better let them be. Hopefully mom and dad will also let them be.
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