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pot bellied goldfish?

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pot bellied goldfish? Empty pot bellied goldfish?

Post by goldfishbetalover Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:06 pm

I have seen an ad on kijiji for a pot belly goldfish in need of a home
May be a silly question but what exactly is this?
Is it simply a fan tail with a bigger belly?
I googled this and found very little....
Thanks in Advance!
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pot bellied goldfish? Empty Re: pot bellied goldfish?

Post by Sbenson11 Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:42 pm

Goldfish come in all shapes and sizes, I'm sure they are just describing that he is a little on the pudgy side Smile

I have a common goldfish that is almost as wide as it id long (slight exaggeration there). You can see him, actually it's a her this video. for most of it she is in the lower left hand corner of the upper pond. I swear if she goes near anything sharp she will explode.

the fish you are talking about is probably something similar. My guess is that she had parents that were a common goldfish and a fantail. She got the single tail of the common and the body shape of the fantail. Or it could just be a plain out fantail and they just didn't know what to call it.



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pot bellied goldfish? Empty Re: pot bellied goldfish?

Post by goldfishbetalover Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:57 pm

o my goodness, thanks so much for the link for the video
what a big goldfish!
and thank you for the info.!
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pot bellied goldfish? Empty Re: pot bellied goldfish?

Post by goldfishbetalover Fri Sep 27, 2013 6:58 pm

almost forgot...would this
'pot belly goldfish' live happily with either fantails or comets?
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pot bellied goldfish? Empty Re: pot bellied goldfish?

Post by GaryE Sat Sep 28, 2013 7:13 am

Some of the pot bellies are a breeder produced deformity that distresses the fish. We had a wave of them donated to the school when we still had the goldfish set-up there. Most were given to us to die away from their owners (kids) as the deformity had become fatal with growth. When we received them, they would be largely unable to swim, and I just set up a tank in a quiet place and took care of them until they died - it was our palliative goldfish adoption tank. Some of the goldfish varieties out there in the pet trade are kind of nasty for that. It's terrible breeding.
Then again, it could be a fish with just a minor spinal deformity, and it could be viable and able to live a sheltered life in captivity. I hope so.
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pot bellied goldfish? Empty Re: pot bellied goldfish?

Post by goldfishbetalover Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:06 am

thank you...
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