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Post by Biulu Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:20 pm

I want to order some fish food in the US and have been browsing somewhat. The ones that keep popping up are 'Brineshrimp direct' and 'Kens fish'. Does anybody have experience with these, or are there others out there that I should look at?

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Post by alexmtl Mon Jan 27, 2014 1:30 pm

In Canada, there is also John's Fish Food, which is Canadian so you will not have to worry about importation.
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Post by Sbenson11 Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:34 pm

I have no experience with those brands nor importing fish food for that matter. However I am in the process of putting together a shipment from Black Water Creek in Florida. Myself, two other Koi junkies in NS and a local fish store are going in on a skid of KOI food. Hope to get it on one of our trucks up from Florida in the next few weeks.

Last year I figure I spend around $1000 on fish food, this should cut that in half. Actually it could potentially make me a few dollars as I am bringing in some of the smaller size bags to resell.


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Post by Biulu Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:36 pm

I will have somebody bringing it for me, so I don't need to worry about imports.

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Post by alexmtl Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:02 pm

Oh Builu,
I could only wish that I had friends like yours.
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Post by catinthehat Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:22 pm

I have ordered from both Brineshrimp direct and Kens Fish and was very pleased with both.

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Post by Biulu Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:25 pm

Thanks Catinthehat, that is very good to know!

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Post by GaryE Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:26 pm

Both are really good. I prefer Ken's flake, but Brineshrimpdirect's artemia and freeze dried foods. BSD is cheaper for its specialties, and Ken's for flake. The colour flake from Ken's is superlative.

BSD is more adaptable, with shipping. Always use the USPS and avoid their private courrier options, it will save a lot of money if you ever ship to Canada. UPS ripped me once, charging $35 in brokerage when really, they had nothing to broker.
Ken's is very expensive to ship with, even if they are closer geographically.

It's a sidetrack, but I have been using angelfins as they are more expensive than John's, but have a website that works and better customer service. John's was very rude the one time I tried to order, and I gave up on them.
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Post by mikebike Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:45 pm

My fish like the food from Arthur Aquatics
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Post by sucker4plecos Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:22 pm

I tend to buy Ken's food whenever I go down to the US for a convention. It is the same food that John sells (he buys it from Ken). I have used several different varieties and really like the earth worm flake and well as the shrimp, krill, cichlid and spirulina flavours (I picked up his new black worm mix recently but haven't tried it yet). I also get the fry/growth pellets (one has 62% protein in the mix) and his golden pearls. Since someone else has already mentioned the customer service aspect, I live in the same city as John but do not deal with him - it seems actually easier getting my stuff from Ken when I go to the US and there isn't any hassle or frustration.

Angelfins has started up their business and doing a good job. They stock Northfin which is made in Canada and their pleco food has received nothing but rave reviews from people I have talked to. They also stock a number of other brands and care about servicing their customers.
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Post by Biulu Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:15 am

I am looking both at Ken's and Brineshrimp Direct. I haven't checked for other foods yet, but Ken's is cheaper for golden pearls and sells in smaller quantities.

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Post by montrealapisto Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:41 pm

I just got a order from Ken fish food last week. John fish food in Ontario I did order from him last year, was happy I didn`t order from him this time, as he doesn`t answer my e-mails


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Post by Biulu Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:09 am

What did you order from Ken?

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Post by montrealapisto Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:12 am

earthworm flakes, shrimp flakes and colour flakes


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Post by Biulu Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:22 am

What are your experiences with the earthworm flakes, or did you buy them for the first time?
Which colour flakes did you buy? Gary also raves about these colour flakes.

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Post by montrealapisto Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:44 am

I been using earthworm flake for 15 years. My apistogramma love them
I bought Colour Max flakes, fish love them


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Post by JayB Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:33 am

I have never bought fish food from either but have purchased other supplies from Ken's Fish. Their shipping is expensive but because they have a USPS option, I've ordered from them (without having to worry about UPS brokerage fees which are outrageous).

Biulu, as you don't have to worry about shipping charges, if you do order from Ken's fish, I'd suggest getting some heat packs if you plan on shipping any fish this coming Spring/Summer. They're not expensive unless you have to pay to have them shipped (they weigh a lot and are expensive to have shipped.) They do have expiring dates so don't stock up on more than you plan using.
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Post by Biulu Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:44 am

The person that brings in the stuff for me, categorically refuses to bring any live stuff or other that could give hassle at the border. So I am limiting myself to dry foods. Plus at the moment I do not plan on expanding my stock.

Thanks, montrealapisto!

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Post by sucker4plecos Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:53 pm

I believe that "technically" some foods might be questioned or stopped at the border. Anything with meat in it could be seized. I declare my fish but haven't mentioned the food that I bring over so it hasn't come up but I know that you can't bring canned pet food over.
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Post by Biulu Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:09 pm

I went with Ken's and ended up buying a bunch of different foods, ranging from freeze dried livefood to flakes. I am keen on trying all these! I am sure I do not need to buy fish food anymore for another year!

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Post by alexmtl Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:54 pm

Just placed an order a few days ago with Angelfins. I like that this is a mail order company located in Guelph Ontario. Yes they a slightly more expensive but the website is really easy to use and estimate shipping. As well they have the PayPal component so I consider this to be an extra security bonus (instead of using a credit card).
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Post by Biulu Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:17 pm

Both Ken's and BSD have Paypal as well. As a real Dutch I am cheap and what I liked the best is that I got free shipping! I got 2.5 kgs of food, nothing of it can go to waste easily as it is all dried foods. Just need to keep it dry.

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