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Plan for my tanks.

the clean guy
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:41 pm

As some of you know I have been frustrated lately with my tanks, more so with the lack of stock for them. I feel like I can't get anything I want for my tanks so I am reaching out to the membership for help. I know it's not shipping weather yet but if you are planning on offering fish for sale that you think I might be interested in please tell me know so I can make it another month!

Current tanks-
55g - this tank is stocked and okay!

35g tall tank- stocking 2 angels, 2 zebra danios (last of an old school), 2 flower shrimp and 1 BN pleco WOULD LIKE - dwarf cichilds have been suggested but I'm open to other ideas

20g - stocking 5 CPDs (have a home with another member so basically an empty tank) WOULD LIKE - small rainbows or peacock gudgeons

10g - stocking 4 cherry shrimp (can we even call that stock?) This tank is in my bathroom so it would have to be something fabulous to convince me to keep a tank in the bathroom forever.

NEW- Picking up tonight what I'm told is a 5g hex tank that I thought I'd move the shrimp to or get other shrimp or something.

All tanks are planted, hard water here PH about 8.4
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by cephalotus Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:01 pm

Another option is, if you change your mind and wanna keep the CPDs but build up your population, I could give you some of my fry once they grow out a bit...
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by guppyguy Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:04 pm

Wow 8.4 for your PH. That is high. Mine is around 7.5 in southern Ontario. I will be offering Endlers for sale so you know.

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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by the clean guy Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:07 pm

My water is 8.4 from the well liquid rock
the clean guy
the clean guy
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by Starfish Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:10 pm

the dirt guy wrote:My water is 8.4 from the well liquid rock

The same rock runs through my well.
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by the clean guy Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:53 pm

Starfish wrote:
the dirt guy wrote:My water is 8.4 from the well liquid rock

The same rock runs through my well.

Snails love it Plants take some time
the clean guy
the clean guy
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:38 pm

Yes I've killed lots of plants.

Also tonight while cleaning the 10g I found my only female shrimp dead.

Picked up the hex tank and it is 5g, I was worried it was going to turn out to be 2.5g. But the filter she had only fits with the lid off, the bulb is burnt out and I already threw out the horrible bright multi coloured gravel. So it needs a few things.
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by Biulu Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:05 am

With water that hard have you thought about the following: rummynose rasbora (Sawbwa splendens); Cephalotus used to have them. I think Gary has them still too.

A small group of shell dwellers (Neolamprologus species). There is an orange/yellow leleupi if I am not mistaken. These fish come up regularly in auctions; saw them in Ottawa too.

I will only be able to offer you short finned bettas...


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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Wed Apr 09, 2014 11:59 am

Cephalotus I do love the CPDs, maybe I could move them to the 10g with the remaining cherry shrimp and when you have some to sell bulk up my school.

I've ordered a bunch of stuff for the new Hex tank and I've been looking at Shrimp Fever, thinking of getting a different type of shrimp to put in this new tank. (Any recommendations based on my hard water??)

Biulu what tank were you thinking of the shell dwellers for? Heading to google, where most of your posts send me! Smile
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:07 pm

Okay so now I've ended up on Spencer Jack's fish list and things are jumping out at me.


And PSEUDOMUGIL FURCATUS or PSEUDOMUGIL PASKAI for the 20g. I don't know anything about these two, I'm googling but any info you guys have would be great!
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Wed Apr 09, 2014 1:14 pm

Okay I need to stop googling stuff on his list because now I want NEON BLUE RASBORA as well!
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by cephalotus Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:26 pm

I LOVE the look of Pseudomugils and they would probably get along all right with your CPDs too.

You will need to be careful not to mix Neocaridinia varieties (which includes regular old red cherry shrimp) as they can interbreed and cause reversion to wild type. You will only be able to keep one Neo variety per tank if you want them to retain their different colours!
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:34 pm

Right now what I'm thinking is

5g - yellow shrimp
10g - cherry shrimp, cpd, neon rasbora
20g - peacocks (if I can find them) and Pseudomugils but I have no idea if this will work. Does anyone know??
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by caoder Wed Apr 09, 2014 4:31 pm

I have P. Furcatus. They are easy and undemanding fish. Just make sure they have some current in their tanks as they love flowing water. I have even bred them and raised a few fry. They lay eggs in spawning mops or clumps of floating vegetation. Their eggs can take up to 3 Weeks to hatch. Very slow growers for the most part.
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by Biulu Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:24 pm

KristaLynn wrote:

Biulu what tank were you thinking of the shell dwellers for? Heading to google, where most of your posts send me! Smile

I was thinking the 20 gallon.

I don't think the pseudomugils and peacock gudgeons are a good idea. The gudgeons, although fairly timid are predators and the pseudomugils might use the pseudomugils as snacks.

Last edited by Biulu on Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Addition)

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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by caoder Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:15 am

They do come from the same area, however psuedimugil fucatus is in my opinion.....rather not careful. They do not seem to avoid predators aka a net at all.'...
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Thu Apr 10, 2014 9:13 am

Okay so I need to decide if I can let go of the peacocks...Hmm.

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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by l_l_l Thu Apr 10, 2014 10:11 am

Tough decision!! I'm thinking maybe you would have more success waiting this summer for gudgeons.. Since shipping season is very near..

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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:17 am

I could wait a couple more months if I knew for sure I could get them from someone. Are yours breeding??
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by cephalotus Thu Apr 10, 2014 12:49 pm

Put the Pseudomugils in with the CPDs... then you will still have a tank free for peacocks. I also really like the idea of shellies... If I were to get into cichlids I think those would be one of my first choices.
Angel Fish
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:47 am

I don't think I should count on the CPDs, I think there's only three in there now. I found one dead this morning and I only saw three come out to eat. I think they're dying. They look FINE but are dying.
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Plan for my tanks. Empty Re: Plan for my tanks.

Post by KristaLynn Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:48 am

Okay I've managed to get some stock so an update!

Current tanks- (green are increases or new stock and red are numbers that have gone down)
55g - this tank is stocked and okay!

35g tall tank- stocking 2 angels, 9 zebra danios, 1 flower shrimp, 2 apple snails, and 1 BN pleco WOULD LIKE - dwarf cichilds have been suggested but I'm open to other ideas

20g - 7 peacock gudgeons and 4 apple snails

10g - stocking 3 cherry shrimp, 2 CPD and 2 new apple snails (that don't seem to be doing well)  WOULD LIKE - different/new shrimp and either neon blue or emerald eye rasbora

5g- Would like- different shimp
Angel Fish
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