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Some interesting behaviours seen in guppies and Endlers

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Some interesting behaviours seen in guppies and Endlers Empty Some interesting behaviours seen in guppies and Endlers

Post by alexmtl Thu Jun 18, 2020 10:19 am

Some interesting behaviours seen in guppies and Endlers

Here are some publicly available scientific articles which can be viewed. Many follow the descriptive format of early behavioural journals. You may recognize some of the pre-eminent scientists, namely John Endler (a Canadian) from Princeton University, and David Reznick of UC Riverside.

Here is John Endler’s seminal article which appeared in Evolution in 1980 on natural selection of colour patterns in the guppy. It is available for reading here:

The Social Network. No, not the movie but the pattern of behaviour seen in guppies. Croft et al (2004) in the Royal Society Proceedings describe the ecology and evolution of the wild populations.

John Endler examines the geographic variation in female preferences for male traits in P reticulata in Evolution 1995. The behaviour is explained as a contributor to sexual selection and the early stages of speciation.

John Endler collaborated with David Reznick (the renown ichthyologist) on a paper describing the effects of predation on Trinidadian guppies.

And proof that size does matter, male preference for robust females.

The cost of sexual harassment in the guppy. (Magurran 1994 The Royal Society)
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