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How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky!

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How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! Empty How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky!

Post by Dee Sydney Sun Aug 13, 2017 7:37 am

Hey.so i almost treated the ich in my 30gallon. Im on my second box of API super ick cure. Now i just realized that my guppy tank. A 10 gallon that all my fish even the fry are scrathing on objects. I see no ich except for two dots on my albino guppy. If it is ick how should i treat both tanks.because in the 10gallon i have a filter shrimp and 5amano shrimps. And like 30 guppy and platy fry How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! 20170822
How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! 20170823
How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! 20170825
How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! 20170824
How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! 20170826

Dee Sydney

Posts : 57
Join date : 2017-07-01
Location : canada

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How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky! Empty Re: How should i treat both tanks? Really bad Lucky!

Post by Fores41 Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:49 am

Try Some Metroplex by Seachem. I have used it safely with shrimp.
Pleco Poster
Pleco Poster

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Join date : 2013-09-17
Location : Williams Lake,BC

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