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In for an experiment?

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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty In for an experiment?

Post by Biulu Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:18 pm

First topic message reminder :

For some of you the summer is a 'dead' period in terms of fish keeping whereas for others it finally gives them time to spend some more time on their hobby.

I would like to propose to those that want to try something out, to put some of their fish outside this summer. You don't need to have a pond or a high tech set-up for this, nor a garden. Actually, a 'Walstad' type set-up with lots of plants in a container as small as 5 gallons goes a long way to keep several fish successfully outside in a corner of a balcony or a small patio.

Some of you may remember the set up of @Guppyguy from last year, where he turned an old garbage bin in a summer residence for endlers and other livebearers. For the past 2 years I have successfully kept guppies and swordtails outside and this has made me long for more. The critters and algae in this setup made that I hardly did any feeding and no water changes at all. Only some top ups during drier times.

I plan to keep a pair of paradise fish in a 20 gallon container with a lotus and some hornwort this summer, as well I am working on a set up for leopard danios. To this end I bought a 70 liter container in Canadian Tire, acquired a Madagascar lace plant and plenty of moss.

There are plenty of fish that qualify for a summer vacation outside, like several barb types, some corydoras and minnows or even shrimp.
@Alexmtl: what about trying to keep a few of your sunfish outside this summer and see how they fare compared to the ones inside?

I will post my results and set-ups in this thread and I invite others to do the same.
Who is with me for this experiment?

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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Biulu Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:22 am

Sbenson11 wrote:Very cool, filling in nice.

Bigger plans for next year?


No. Small is beautiful...... Very Happy
Plus, I don't have the space and don't want to get into high tech things. If anything, I might set up a 3rd one next year.....

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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Fores41 Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:28 pm

Sorry Builu this summer looks like a bust for me as my Paridise fish did not come in and then getting evacuated did not help.
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Fores41 Sat Jul 29, 2017 6:28 pm

Just got home yesterday worked today and may be evacuated again. Sheesh!!! dang fires. at least I got to feed the fish and top up tanks.
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by alexmtl Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:06 pm

Fores41 wrote:Just got home yesterday worked today and may be evacuated again. Sheesh!!! dang fires. at least I got to feed the fish and top up tanks.

Fores41, Good to hear from you and that your safe.
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Biulu Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:18 am

Oh gosh! Definitely not a nice situation to be in! Maybe we should send you guys some of our water; the Saint Lawrence still has high water levels of all the rain!

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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Fores41 Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:30 am

Not evaced last night so working today I should try and take a pic and post it. Biulu we will take all the rain you can send us at this point!!!!!!send rain, send rain, send rain.please please please with sugar on it. Very Happy Very Happy
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Biulu Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:34 am

When sugar burns you get caramel, right?

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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Fores41 Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:08 am

Not sure about that one Biulu. not a candy maker
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by jjohnwm Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:51 pm

Just found this thread, and only recently saw the one about the garbage-can "pond". I'm definitely going to try this. I have a couple of unused 55-gal plastic barrels which should be perfect. The plan is simple:

Fill them with water.

Wait until the water temperature reaches appropriate levels.

Chuck in a handful of floating plants and some fish.

Walk away.

I will offer supplemental feeding until some natural foods appear, but this should not take long. My only concern in this regard is that mosquito larva will not survive in a straight-walled container this deep. They require access to the surface to breath, but feed at the bottom; thus they must have a maximum water depth beyond which they cannot function. Never would have thought that I would be concerned for the survival and breeding success of mosquitoes, but...Smile

I'm thinking of a couple of different species, perhaps one species per barrel. Jordanella Flag Fish, Heterandria livebearers, and Macropodus Paradise Fish all sound like they might be possibilities. Whichever one seems to do the best will likely be introduced to my actual pond (so much for my original puritanical plan to keep it all native and all natural). I am nearing completion of my homemade 120-gal plywood tank in my basement, which will hopefully serve to overwinter my experimental subjects. Smile

You know, I haven't had a fish tank for many years now; I refuse to get carried away again like I did in my youth. Must resist...Smile
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Fores41 Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:49 pm

Oh come on now John you can now John you know to resist MTS is something you want to give in to Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Smile
(Multiple tank syndrome)
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:00 pm

Not to be confused with MPS (Multi Pond Syndrome) Smile


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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by jjohnwm Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:30 pm

I hold all of you personally responsible for what has happened.

I joined this forum a few years ago, with the innocent intentions of setting up one, maybe two, small indoor tanks.

Today there is a hand-dug pond in the back yard, an almost completed 120-gal tank in my basement, a 30-gal turtle/guppy tank in my den, and...the subject of this post...a couple of Rubbermaid garbage cans on the patio. I just got those set up today with 50/50 well water and pond water, plus a handful of duckweed in each. One has a trio of Mollies, the other a scoopful of Endlers from the turtle tank. I also put a dozen Medakas in the pond at the same time. I'm hoping for results as good as those Biulu has attained.

Enablers, that's what you all are...enablers...Smile
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by alexmtl Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:46 pm

It wasn't me honest. It's all SBenson11 fault. I do not have a pond. Really, I was just minding my own business.
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In for an experiment? - Page 2 Empty Re: In for an experiment?

Post by Fores41 Sun Jun 17, 2018 2:24 pm

My wife just read your post John and I get the punch in the shoulder and Don't get any ideas. Ha Ha little does she know I have an order in for some Paradise fish for an outdoor tub. Laughing Laughing Razz Razz
And John we are only a little guilty unless you got those MTS dreams we sent your way.
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