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What was your longest lived fish?

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What was your longest lived fish? Empty What was your longest lived fish?

Post by GaryE Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:44 pm

I was looking at the thread on first fish, and I got to thinking about fish I knew really well - real pet fish I remember as I would a dog or cat. For me, my longest lived pet fish was a Corydoras aeneus that lived to seven and a half years. I had him from when I was 12 to when I was 19. His name was "Scruffy", and I now know he was a she.

I've always kept tiny fish though, and I know the big ones can easily hit 30 plus sometimes. There is one species I have kept for 23 years, but individuals of it reach between 2 and 3 years maximum. What's the longest you've had an individual fish, and what was it?

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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by Shell Thu Oct 22, 2015 2:52 pm

Great topic - looking forward to responses.

Scruffy - I pay tribute! In memory of you, dear Scruffy! 

We are still fairly new at fish keeping, but so far our oldest fish are our black skirt tetras. We have had them for over four years now - I assume they were at least six months when we brought them in. So, I am guessing they are about five years plus or minus! Not as old as some fish out there I assume! 

Looking forward to hearing from others...!
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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by Suprd71 Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:41 pm

My original Oscar made 14. I currently have a Sailfin pleco that was 7-9 when I got him and have had him 4yrs now. My oldest current cichlid is a male Rotkeil Severum, about 8. Most of my current cichlids have a life expectancy well over 10yrs, with 20yr olds being a little rare but certainly not extreme. I would compare a 20yr old cichlid to a 100yr old human. Definitely doable
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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by GaryE Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:47 pm

It's interesting - larger fish do have much longer lives than my little species. That's if we keep them properly, as suprd71 does.
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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by ksimdjembe Thu Oct 22, 2015 8:18 pm

Interesting topic.
I've really enjoyed keeping fish of late. I never grew up with tanks, I sort of stumbbled on them through ideas for teaching tools to reach more kids, and I got hooked as they say.
I am however a keeper of small fish like Gary.
I've had some really like 5+ year old chilli micro-rasboras,
And a I still have three Zoogoneticus tequilas that have to be in that range.
Angel Fish
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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by Biulu Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:15 pm

The fish I have kept longest and which are now on their way out are my loaches; histrionicas and zebras. The last zebra I lost during my last trip after having kept them for 7 years. There is still a histrionica left: the king or queen of my tank. No fish stays in that tank if not vetted by my loach!

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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by Sbenson11 Fri Oct 23, 2015 5:46 am

That's one of the reason I like Koi they live forever. I have only been involved in Koi for about 10 years and my oldest fish is around that age. So he is just a young pup in regards to how long they can live. I have a pair of clown fish that are 14 but they are nearing the end of the road.

As mentioned it all comes down to looking after them properly. certain fish can live for a very long time, but it only takes a few days to mess this up and loose them all.


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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by Fores41 Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:52 am

Like Shell I have only been actively keeping fish for about 4 years and my Sail fin Pleco. is about that in age.
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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by CAAIndie Fri Oct 23, 2015 1:39 pm

As mentioned in another thread, the oldest fish I've had was a comet goldfish named Moby dick. He was 10 ish when we moved.

My oldest fish currently is my clown pleco, she's about 4.

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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by jjohnwm Fri Oct 23, 2015 2:53 pm

Many years ago I bought an infant Osphronemus goramy (spelling?) at a size of less than an inch. A number of years and a number of tanks later, he was moved into a 360-gal plywood tank (in the living room of my condo!), where he remained for another 10 years. After 14 years of ownership I gave him to an acquaintance when I moved. Moving that fish was as traumatic as moving our entire household! Eventually we lost touch with each other, but the last time I saw his tank he still owned that fish, which put it at roughly 20 years of age. I hope he's still kicking around now.
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What was your longest lived fish? Empty Re: What was your longest lived fish?

Post by dogfish3 Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:15 pm

common pleco bought at one inch in 1986 died 2002 at nineteen inches

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