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Sad news and Downsizing

Rodda Prime
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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Sad news and Downsizing

Post by Rodda Prime Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:44 pm

I'm glad to be back after a bit of a hiatus, but unfortunately i don't have much good news

my home life is really going downhill, so for the sake of their safety I've going to have to get rid of my endlers, which is probably for the best , their breeding is getting out of hand, i mean the tank is stable now because i literally dote on it every day but once school starts i won't be able to do that
there about

maybe 25 ish endlers in my 10 gallon, bad i know,tho the females haven't dropped for a while so it seems they know theyre getting crowded which is kind of good i guess
the sad part is i have some really nice endler colours in the drop ive raised, one of my favorite males has orange coloring around the head but his body is completely black and his tail has the endler orange stripes, theyre funny fish, im going to miss them

what im probably going to do is put all my shrimp in the 10 gallon and move my Betta, Josie, to the 5, just to consolidate things, Josie will definitely be happy with so much room for her to swim around it

I think? my CPO will be okay with the shrimp? 10 gallons tank is enough room for them to grump around in and what not with shrimp, tho they really hate the endlers as of now, they keep stealing thier food lmao

one day i really want to keep gender separate endler tanks, i just love the endlers so much, but i dont want them to suffer because i can't care for them

luckily I called Big Al's and they said they would take the endlers off my hands, at least then i can use the credit trading them to buy a hood for the 10 gallon ( surprising that none of the endler guppys are jumpers and the CPO hasnt made any escapes phew)

and im going to use that ridiculous 1.7 gallon national geographic tank to grow pansies in, that thing is ridiculous and im sad that its actually being sold as betta home
Rodda Prime
Rodda Prime
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Re: Sad news and Downsizing

Post by Fishypastor Wed Sep 02, 2015 8:12 pm

Sorry to hear that things are going rough. Whatevers going on hope things can turn around. Ive been in a really dark spot a couple times... just keep moving forward.
Angel Fish
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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Re: Sad news and Downsizing

Post by GaryE Thu Sep 03, 2015 4:07 am

Hang in there. Things will get better. Fishypastor has great advice up there.
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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Re: Sad news and Downsizing

Post by JanesAddiction Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:40 am

Sorry to hear you are having a rough patch. If you were closer, I'd buy some of the enders from you. I have a few pretty guppy males in my 2 batches from June. Soon putting them up for sale though.
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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Re: Sad news and Downsizing

Post by Fores41 Thu Sep 03, 2015 10:30 am

Hang in there Rodda things will get better
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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Re: Sad news and Downsizing

Post by FishHobby Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:32 am

...hang in there and keep moving forward, one step at a time.
Angel Fish
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Sad news and Downsizing Empty Re: Sad news and Downsizing

Post by Shell Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:35 am

It sounds like you are disheartened about this whole change, but chin up - it also sounds like you are doing the right thing for your family and your fish at this time...and you never know what the future will bring - maybe someday you will have the separate gender endler tanks you mentioned. Best of luck. 

PS - growing pansies in the 1.7g sounds like a fun little project!flower

I actually have one of those 'betta bowls' that someone gave to me (gotta be way less than 1g - maybe a 0.5g!). I decided to fill it with various stones and a few small fake decorations, and I stuck in one of those bamboo shoots! The bamboo is doing well and I think any fish woud be happy to know that it will be the only living thing ever to enter that 'tank'!! Wink
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