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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by JanesAddiction Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:54 pm

I misread the label on the tap water conditioner...I dosed my 10g with 10ml but was only supposed to dose 5ml!!!! Did I overdose this tank???
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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty Re: BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by Suprd71 Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:12 pm

Not a problem. Most quality conditioners allow for up to 5x regular dosage. You only doubled up. For peace of mind if you need, just do another water change. Never any harm in that. What do you use for conditioner?
Angel Fish
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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty Re: BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by JanesAddiction Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:53 pm

Today is water change day...I have changed 3 and filled a 4th...I don't wanna do another wc today! lol I used Aqueon or at least that is the one I ended up with this time. I think it should be ok though...maybe I will do a partial wc tomorrow.
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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty Re: BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by Suprd71 Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:43 pm

You will be fine. Suggestion.. I see you run 10 tanks, and while they are all small tanks, I am sure you go thru a fair amount of conditioner. I use Seachem Safe. Its the powder form of Prime, but more potent. A small 250g jug would last you well over a year, maybe 2. Its the most efficient and cost effective product on the market. Wet your fingertip, dip it in the powder and that little amount would handle a 10g tank. 1/4 tsp covers 300gals. Sounds incredible, but its true!
Angel Fish
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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty Re: BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by JanesAddiction Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:50 pm

WOW!!!! I will def look into that!!!!! I've been lucky and this is the 2nd bottle I bought since Jan when I started my first tank...I got a bunch in used "boxed" items that I had purchased (seems EVERYBODY has a bottle with a decent amount in each)! The only reason I had to buy this 2nd bottle is cause my youngest (4yr) decided while watching a movie in there one evening it would be great fun to dump my 3/4 of a bottle I had bought!!!! GRRR!!! They now go up WAY higher!
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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty Re: BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by GaryE Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:42 pm

Often, they harden the water a tiny bit, but that's all. Is your water treated with chloramines? I have old fashioned chlorine where I live, and don't ever use a water treatment. Most of the chlorine gasses off as I pour from the hose, and I have never seen any sign of fish being bothered, even delicate ones.
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BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank? Empty Re: BOO BOO!!!! Did I overdose my tank?

Post by fish lady Tue Aug 11, 2015 6:30 pm

your fine like everyone is saying
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