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Wondering if anyone in NS (Truro area) can help?!

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Wondering if anyone in NS (Truro area) can help?! Empty Wondering if anyone in NS (Truro area) can help?!

Post by JanesAddiction Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:39 pm

This is not for me but I have the original poster's permission to post it here. I thought the story behind why he is looking was heart warming and thought maybe someone on here in the NS area may have knowledge of or have stuff to help this man put this together Smile
Looking for a nice like-new 30 gal tank 12 1/2 x 18 x 36 and lid, low maintenance hardy plants and any type of community minded fish for said 30 gal tank.
explanation:: smile emoticon
Fathers day is coming up and although growing up i didn't like my father mostly because he was never around much and didn't care to teach me nothing. well long story short, we get along better now but more importantly he has don't a great job raising my younger brother and sister after there mom died saving them from drowning. he had turned into a Dad, and the only thing i know that i got from him was my love for fish and aquariums.
After his wife (their mother) died dad took it hard and his 30 gal very well taken care of tank died. frown emoticon .. and ever since a lot of things have gone down hill for him including his health as to late.
So his tank has been sitting in the same place drained of water but never cleaned for the last 7 years.
I want to do a complete redo on his tank, but with out his knowledge lol
Im gona go in in the morning close to fathers day and switch out his tank for a new one then clean the filter stand etc etc etc.. then re scape the tank and re stock the fish in it. I think it will inspire him to get some things back in shape in his life.
not a sob story for sympathy just a back story to understand the need for the items. So if any one has anything that they would have any of the items really cheap or for free that would be so much appreciated.
Pleco Poster
Pleco Poster

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Join date : 2015-02-04
Location : New Brunswick, Canada

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