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Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Rodda Prime
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Thoughts on future Tanks to be Empty Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Post by Rodda Prime Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:43 pm

When I was very young my parents had this fish tank in mine and my brothers room, im not sure how big it was though i suspect it was at least 20+, there were quite a few fish in it ( i suspect overstocking) my dads impulsive like me and no doubt went to the pet store, saw some fish he recognized from home ( both my parents are from south america) and thought i need to get them

i remember a goldfish, a algae eater named speedy and a few tetras but what apparently i dont remember is the Angelfish
according to my dad the angelfish was terribly mean, picked on all the other fish until they died and it and the algae eater were left and then lived 3+ years before passing on

somehow this has inspired me to keep a angelfish tank in the future

One day I want to get or make one of those long divided tanks that have those sleeves through the plexiglass dividers so the water is shared? like one of those for crystal shrimp and then a huge separate Endler tank and a mixed tank thats more dedicated to neocaridina shrimp

do any of ya'll have any future dream tanks??

id also like to add that the only reason my dad stopped keeping fish is because according to my mom they came home one day and the tank was half empty cause the sides somehow came undone ( maybe the glue?) and leaked water alllll over the house
Rodda Prime
Rodda Prime
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Thoughts on future Tanks to be Empty Re: Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Post by JanesAddiction Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:03 am

I would LOVE to someday have a coffee table tank! I like different tanks so that would be my main dream tank...at this point Smile
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Thoughts on future Tanks to be Empty Re: Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Post by Aquaman_95 Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:57 am

I can honestly say, the aquariums I wanted, are the aquariums I have. I wanted a decently large aquarium, planted, with beautiful fish. I now have a 55 gallon semi-planted aquarium. I'm slowly turning it into a planted tank. Then, I have my 10 gallon nano marine tank, so I'm achieving my dreams that I had as a little boy still.

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Thoughts on future Tanks to be Empty Re: Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Post by Biulu Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:27 am

One of my dreams is to have something similar to this tank one day:


However, as long as I keep travelling, no open tanks for me as the water evaporation is too high...

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Thoughts on future Tanks to be Empty Re: Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Post by Fores41 Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:39 am

That is a neat tank Biulu and I agree you need to be around for evaporation reasons. My place is not big enough for the tanks I would like 4'Lx4'wx3H' for starters then maybe a few 200-600 gallon wall tanks by continent would be nice. If I am going to dream it might as well be big.
Realistically I have only a few empty tanks that I would like to set up.
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Thoughts on future Tanks to be Empty Re: Thoughts on future Tanks to be

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:05 pm

Do I have a dream tank? of course I do, I'm sure we all do.

As previously mentioned, it involves massive amounts of salt water and fish that like to eat people Smile


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