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Fish eggs?

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Fish eggs? Empty Fish eggs?

Post by Shell Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:06 pm

I almost put this in the breeding section, but quickly realized that this may not be a breeding project (if it is, I'll start a new post, but I doubt it). When we were taking down some decorations in the midst of our dreadful ich outbreak, we found a clutch of eggs. We moved them into the 20g tank. The inhabitants are weather loaches, denison barbs, gold barbs, and trumpet snails. The eggs are a bright white (which I have read is a bad sign?), and they are a good size, and are presently sitting in a plant in the 20g. I can only assume these are not going to hatch, but I thought I'd mention this in case I should do something. I'll leave them be for now, but just wondering if we should just remove them - I don't want to contaminate the 20g.
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Fish eggs? Empty Re: Fish eggs?

Post by Shell Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:54 am

I realize I am having this conversation with myself - but hey, my dad always says that if you want to talk to the most important person in the world, talk to yourself Wink

Just thought I'd update on the 'egg' situation as I forgot I even posted this until now! The update? Eggs 'disappeared'! So, either they weren't eggs, or the snails ate them!
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Fish eggs? Empty Re: Fish eggs?

Post by Starfish Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:06 am

I would expect that they were eaten. I'm afraid I am not much more help on information about eggs. Would have been interesting to see what they turned out to be if they had been viable.
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Fish eggs? Empty Re: Fish eggs?

Post by mikebike Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:49 pm

I rescue any eggs I can.
I have a clear plastic tube aboyt 1 1/2 in diameter and 10 inches long.
in the bottom of the tube I insert a air stone then a plug of filter foam.
from the top I drop in 5 marbles they cover the sponge and help keep the tube submerged.
II place the eggs in the tube and place another plug cut from filter foam.
I suspend the tube in the front of a tank and regulate the air to gently tumble the eggs.
I have hatched 30 or more clutches of pleco eggs that got pushed out of the cave for some reason.
My results =
Fish eggs? L144wigglers

Fish eggs? EggSack

Sorry if the links don't work I have tried all code that photobucket:|  supples
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