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I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

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I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared... Empty I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

Post by Sbenson11 Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:04 pm

I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

Well a couple of days ago I had two fish mysteriously appear Shocked this was kind of shocking and disturbing at the same time. I was just showing my wife the new filtration system on my 1200 when she said "is that a new fish?" and "There's another one I have never seen before" So she looks at me thinking that are the latest refugees I have dragged home. However the answer was no, but she didn't seem to believe me Smile

However the truth was I had not, I had never seen these two fish before. One of them was gasping at the surface and in obvious distress. He did settle down but I am mystified as to how they got there. I asked all the staff if any of them had dumped their fish in my tank but no one fessed up. While none of the fish in this tank are of any great monetary value they are my pets and introducing outside fish before quarantine is extremely dangerous to them.

At any rate they are still in there with the rest of the monsters and looking fine. I should have tried to scoop them out but that's not as easy as it sounds.


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Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared... Empty Re: I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

Post by Mr. Mom Wed Dec 17, 2014 5:35 pm

That is a great mystery Steve ... I'd laugh if it turns out your wife added the 2 fish on you. It wouldn't be the first time a guys wife played a practical joke and it almost sounds as if the one fish had been added within minutes of your finding them.

Anyhow, fingers crossed nothing happens.

Any idea what the 2 fish are? any pics?

Mr. Mom
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared... Empty Re: I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

Post by Sbenson11 Wed Dec 17, 2014 6:09 pm

Nothing to exciting, just a couple of comet goldfish, they are considerable smaller then the rest of the fish in the tank(aprox 5-6"). My wife would never do anything like that, I still think she believes I did it.

Tigger never chased them out of the tank so I guess they made friends fast.


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Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared... Empty Re: I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

Post by l_l_l Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:02 pm

Well that is very strange...
I had a nerite disappear on me once. Only to find it in another tank. The road wasn't quite long to make as the two tanks are sitting one besides the other, but for a whole week, I thought it had disappeared.

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I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared... Empty Re: I'm sure we have all had fish that have mysteriously disappeared...

Post by CAAIndie Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:44 pm

I had shrimp disappear for long periods and then appear again, for months. Never had fish magically appear though.  Someone decided to dump them on you. Hope they are okay, and the rest stay okay.

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Join date : 2013-09-06


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