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Aqueon Water Changer

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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Aqueon Water Changer

Post by Fishypastor Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:23 pm

Hi all, what are your opinions +ve and -ve on the Aqueon Water Changer or its equivalent?

water changer

I am debating getting one but am not sure if they really will save the potential for spills etc...

They are not exactly cheap, but may be worth it.

Also, how does one dechlor using this? Dose the tank before with the appropriate amount and then fill? Wouldn't this expose the fish and bacteria to some chlorine? Need to have this clear in my mind before purchasing.
Angel Fish
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by l_l_l Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:32 pm

I have the aqueon water changer and I must say I am really in love with it.
I couldn't live without it, especially with my 46 gallon tank.
Since I've been using them, I have close to no spills.

It is a great investment to do and will save your back.

What I do to dechlor is simply follow the label on the back of the bottle.
there is a line that states that if you dose directly in the tank you should dose for the whole volume (in my case 46g). I've been doing that for the past year and never ran into trouble.

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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by GaryE Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:47 pm

I bought a 50 ft Python brand water changer just before the birth of my first daughter (she's in third year University now) and wore it out. It lasted until 2 years ago. I stopped using the faucet connection and bought one for a garden - a quick release one I put on a bathroom sink. I found it wasted water if you ran it full bore, but a quick release draining into the toilet (lower than the sink) worked quickly as a gravity system. Filling is easy.
It was one of the 2 or 3 best technological devices I've ever bought for my hobby.
I replaced the worn out Python with an Aqueon. It is cheaper hose, and flimsier all around. I won't get my cheapskate's 20 years out of it. But if you watch the hose doesn't kink, it is great.
When the Python failed, I bought the replacement that afternoon. That's how much I love these things.
Are they idiot proof? If I have run one this long, they are close! You must stay with the tank when you are changing water. No going off to the washroom, taking phone calls, or checking hockey scores (yeah, I did that once). There are grounds for human error, for sure. And check periodically that everything is still tight and well connected. But I spilled a lot more water with buckets than I ever have with a python. Unless I walked away from it, that is. Yup, don't walk away. Did I mention not walking away?
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by vince0 Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:59 pm

I love mine.
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by caoder Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:33 pm

can't live without mine...
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by CAAIndie Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:35 pm

Consider referencing this thread for more thoughts, opinions, and ideas


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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by Suprd71 Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:14 am

I use the Python, a must have for multiple tank owners. Quality dechlorinators like Prime or Aqua Safe react instantly. Dose for your tank volume and fill it back up. You should go online and check your city water report. Check chlorine amounts and possible chloramine content. You can adjust conditioner dosage accordingly.
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by hello_rockview12 Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:20 am

Python for life. In terms of water conditioners, I stopped using them.

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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by nyleveiam Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:38 pm

I have used a 50' Aqueon for just over a year and have just recently started experiencing problems. Last weekend the hose blew off the gravel vac part, and since I have great water pressure, ended up flying around the room spraying water until I came back and caught it. (Got Gary's reminder a bit late, lol!)
Anyway, turns out the inside part of the nut that holds the hose onto the fitting was broken, the entire ridge of plastic (Yup, CHEAP plastic), had broken off and it would no longer hold the hose.
I checked for repair parts, found a new faucet syphon part and it looked like EXACTLY the same nut, was only $5, so I ordered one. It came yesterday and, of course, does not fit.
Soo, I pushed the hose all the way onto the fitting, put some super, flexible glue for plastics all around it and let it dry. Added the broken nut back and today I changed ten of my tanks and it worked GREAT! BUT, my next one will be a Python!!!!
Like Gary I had an issue with the terrible waste of water while keeping the syphon going to drain the tanks. I start the syphon in my kitchen sink, kink the hose closed, remove it from the faucet and put it out my kitchen door where the syphon continues by normal syphon action. It drains into my dog yard so isn't a major issue.
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by Fishypastor Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:11 am

Thanks for all the advice and info. I will put this on my Christmas want list. Funny though, I've read in other places that the python is the less durable one?

Found out my water supply is RO (reverse osmosis) with only a small amount of Cl added... so I may be able to ditch the dechlor... but isn't the slime coat really healthy for them?
Angel Fish
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by vince0 Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:29 am

The slime coat is produced naturally.
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:49 pm

I have a python and have had it for years. I had to replace the part that connects to the tap a few years back, but all in all it's  a great piece of kit. We don't use it for the tanks anymore as we have to treat our water first now a days. We still use it to drain and fill the indoor turtle pond but their water doesn't need to be treated. I guess I could still use it to drain the water but I just use a siphon in stead.

I mix my water in a large plastic barrel first and have a small pump and hose to pump the water into the tanks.

Even then I still spill water everywhere reguarly Sad

This is from yesterdays water change,

Aqueon Water Changer IMG_20141122_114708_zps9675bb19


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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by CAAIndie Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:12 pm

Fishypastor wrote:Thanks for all the advice and info. I will put this on my Christmas want list. Funny though, I've read in other places that the python is the less durable one?

Found out my water supply is RO (reverse osmosis) with only a small amount of Cl added... so I may be able to ditch the dechlor... but isn't the slime coat really healthy for them?

RO doesn't necessarily mean free of chlorine or chloramine (an RO/DI system it would, but not just RO). You would need to ask that question specifically. 90% of my water goes through an RO system first, but I still need to dechlorinate.

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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:21 pm

The water that comes out of my RO/DI system is free of Chlorine/Chloramine after just the RO portion. However that is because the Carbon blocks in my system are specifically design for removing Chloramines. Not all systems are are designed this way.

My city water has only a small amount of Chlorine in it, I found out later that they had switched to using Chloramine as their primary source.

A quick call to your city's water department should give you some more answers. Beside the Chlorine and/or Chloramine that is in your city water would be added to the system after the RO process as it's needed for safety reasons in municipal water.


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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by GaryE Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:31 pm

It is altogether possible that Pythons are not quality any more. They were, but locally, I can't get them, and Aqueon was right there on the wall!
I haven't been able to compare.
My python got so old the actual hose started to leak out the sides. It has now been recycled as a series of siphon hoses.
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by CAAIndie Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:50 pm

I really wish I could have a python. All the darn R/O water though, it just doesn't make sense as an investment. The next large tank I get though... this is the first on the must buy list. It would make the water changes so much easier. I'm still lugging 5 gallon buckets.

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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by Fishypastor Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:30 pm

Very helpful people thanks.

I actually was able to download the local water report. A little Cl is added, but not a lot.
Angel Fish
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by nyleveiam Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:21 am

I only lugged water for two tanks (one a 55 gallon) before I bought one! I also needed a gravel vac so it only made sense for me to get the all in one.
I got the Aqueon because it was available in the Amazon Warehouse deals, the packaging was wrecked, which didn't bother me at all. Got it for under $50 for the 50 feet one.
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Aqueon Water Changer Empty Re: Aqueon Water Changer

Post by l_l_l Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:12 am

I actually have a second python I got from a garage sale, just in case Razz

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