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Lee Triple Flow box filter

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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Biulu Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:23 pm

This is a question for the oldies, ahum.... experienced members among us. I was given a Lee Triple Flow box filter without the airstone and tubing.

When I tried to set it up yesterday, I came across the problem that the airstone keeps floating out of the 'standing pipe'. Does anybody have a trick to make it stay put at the bottom? Is there a part missing?

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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by GaryE Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:51 pm

Pitch the airstone as it'll clog anyway, and find a way of weighting the airline down. The filter originally had a cap, and it was fragile. They snapped a lot, which I imagine happened to yours.
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by nyleveiam Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:30 pm

At the risk of dating myself, I used a rubber band wrapped around the airline tube and the pipe... worked fine that way.  I did have a cap as well on mine.  When it broke I used another rubber band to hold in on.
Didn't remember it coming with an air stone.
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by alexmtl Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:41 pm

What about using a plant anchor wrap, those wraparound lead strips to hold down the airline inside the plastic draw tube. In fact it could be any airline and stone. As long as the vortex draws up the water it does not matter too much on the position.

I sometimes have to do the same thing to anchor the airline in the large bore plastic draw tubes in the under gravel filters that I use.
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by GaryE Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:16 am

Most of my tanks are filtered by old-fashioned, air-driven box filters. They work quite well for my killies, but the problem you describe happens to about half the brands on the market. And given that a lot of the boxes I use are over 25 years old, they get brittle.
I try to avoid lead plant anchors in my tanks - I don't even use them to anchor plants. You can usually find something in the house to anchor down the airline and keep it from falling out. You don't really need weight, as something wider that still allows the bubbles up will do.

Those old school filters were cheap and energy efficient if you kept small fish, and there's no reason not to use them now. They are the secret weapon of the aquarist on a budget who wants to keep multiple aquariums.
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:38 pm

Box filters?

I have heard about them but never seen one, they are way before my time Smile


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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by nyleveiam Sat Sep 13, 2014 2:43 pm

Some how, some way, I don't believe you!!
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Fores41 Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:08 pm

Steve now that you pulled my leg I think you should at least pull the other one so that I do not end up one leg longer than the other.
I agree that an elastic band may work or put a little silicone on a piece of air line and glue it in place once the silicone is dry. I use silicone that way for rocks for plant weights.
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:30 pm

Fores41 wrote:Steve now that you pulled my leg I think you should at least pull the other one so that I do not end up one leg longer than the other.
I agree that an elastic band may work or put a little silicone on a piece of air line and glue it in place once the silicone is dry. I use silicone that way for rocks for plant weights.

oh ok, I remember seeing them once or twice. Smile

Actually years ago when I used to collect fancy goldfish all of my tanks were filtered that way. The floss was cheap as dirt and I got bags of the activated carbon from work for nothing. So filter changes cost very little.

Then again the 6/$1.00 pot scrubbers are not that costly either. Only problem the filters I use these days tent to take a lot of them Smile


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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by GaryE Sun Sep 14, 2014 6:48 am

Box filters for koi or goldfish would clog really fast - they don't work with enormous amounts of poop, plant eating koi style. Waste-wise, koi and goldies are the cows of the aquarium world. But they are great for my neat little killies, with their insect-eater digestive systems.
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by alexmtl Sun Sep 14, 2014 12:11 pm

GaryE wrote:Waste-wise, koi and goldies are the cows of the aquarium world.

You are a culprit contributing to global warming; methane spewing relentlessly day and night from NL.
As for your fish, well I doubt it is enough to make a differene for the amount of gas they actually produce. Very Happy
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:33 pm

GaryE wrote:Box filters for koi or goldfish would clog really fast - they don't work with enormous amounts of poop, plant eating koi style. Waste-wise, koi and goldies are the cows of the aquarium world. But they are great for my neat little killies, with their insect-eater digestive systems.

Are you saying my fish are full of it ? Smile

Back in the mid 80's filter options were pretty limited, but they didn't do to bad. Most of the tanks were 20-30G tanks with two fish in it.


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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:42 pm

alexmtl wrote:
GaryE wrote:Waste-wise, koi and goldies are the cows of the aquarium world.

You are a culprit contributing to global warming; methane spewing relentlessly day and night from NL.
As for your fish, well I doubt it is enough to make a differene for the amount of gas they actually produce. Very Happy

Somewhere I think i read that cows are the number one source of methane gas. Shocked

So are you calling my fish cows as well ?

I'm crossing both of you off my Christmas list.


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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by nyleveiam Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:47 pm

Getting ready to relocate my five remaining koi... they definitely eat like COWS and they have more than doubled in size over the Summer...good think they don't have to spend this Winter in a tank!!!
And, the only actual food I have given them is tomatoes and squash from my garden...come to think of it, on the farm we used to feed extra squash and pumpkins to our cows!! Laughing
Gary, they ate plenty of insects and especially mosquitoes but their poops were bigger than your killies, not just the killies poops!
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Lee Triple Flow box filter Empty Re: Lee Triple Flow box filter

Post by Biulu Sun Sep 14, 2014 9:36 pm

Thanks for all the input! Sorry for answering late but I have been working on my fish closet this weekend as you can see in another thread.

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