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Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge)

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Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge) Empty Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge)

Post by guppyguy Mon Jun 23, 2014 11:42 pm

Didiplis diandra can be found throughout the U.S., growing in or along the shores of ponds and slow moving streams. Although not too hard to grow, this plant does place certain demands to thrive. Lighting should be direct and intense in order to prevent the lower parts of the plant from turning black and rotting away. Shoot for at least 2.5-3 watts per gallon or more. However, keep in mind that the higher the intensity of the lighting, the greater the demand for iron and micronutrients and CO2 injection which does promote the fastest, most robust growth from this plant. Potassium should be supplemented regularly, along with plentiful amounts of iron and other micro-nutrients. When in good health, it will show shades of orange and red under intense lighting. Under moderate to low lighting, this plant will stay green.

This stem plant grows all the way to the surface of the aquarium. Trimming this plant will promote the bushiest growth. Because the rooted parts sometimes fail to grow, turn black, and waste away, this plant should be topped from time to time to prevent losing the plant. Propagation is easy just snip off a side shoot and plant in the substrate.  Cool 

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Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge) Didipl10

Last edited by guppyguy on Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge) Empty Re: Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge)

Post by alexmtl Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:55 am

I think I have seen this one at the LFS a few times. A nice indicator plant for light levels.
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Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge) Empty Re: Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge)

Post by guppyguy Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:28 am

alexmtl wrote:I think I have seen this one at the LFS a few times. A nice indicator plant for light levels.

Yes sometimes the LFS carry this one. I have just got one section of this plant to turn a intense pinkish red.

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Location : Wheatley, ON

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Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge) Empty Re: Didiplis Diandra (Water Hedge)

Post by Biulu Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:20 pm

Seem the high demand for nutrients, hence CO2, I wonder whether it would be easier to grow this plant emersed?
You know, roots in the water and the tips growing out?

Is there any info on that?

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Location : Montreal, Quebec

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