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New tank, need some suggestions...

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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by nyleveiam Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:08 pm

Okay, I found a new spot for a fish tank, feeding my MTS syndrome nicely!  I keep a small dog crate in a corner between my living room and kitchen and this spot used to just collect stuff on the crate and behind it.  Well, an old table top from my shed just happened to be 20" x 30" and fit nicely over the crate... what would any of YOU do with that space???
So, I found a super deal on an Aqueon 29 gallon at my lfs, included was the filter, heater, a nice hood and a great light, all for well under $100.  Set it up Saturday and I used the cycled filter off of my other 29 PLUS an extra sponge filter (I always keep one in each tank in addition to the HOB for instances just like this!), so it should be ready to start adding a few fish.
Now, my problem is what do I want in this tank???  I had big plans for my 40 and got the bottom level and the middle level, then discovered there really isn't enough room for a top level in a 40B...it is too low, so that one maxed out with the Serpaes, cories and the brass/gold tetras.  I LIKE them, but I really want one tank with some bigger, more colorful fishes.
The 29G is 30 inches long but is also 18 inches high.   My water is pretty hard with a ph of 7.6, I forget which is DH and which is KH but one is 170 and the other is 220, so that needs to be considered as well.
I though seriously of moving over the betta girls because there is lots of extra room in that 55g and the 29 is plenty big enough for them, but I do not want to upset them at this point since they are doing so well together!

So, does anyone have any ideas???  I LOVE schools, but I do not like a tank that is too busy, I'd rather go lightly stocked and feel relaxed watching them than have a bunch of super active fish going every which way.  Right now my three favorite "watching" tanks are the 20L with a dozen neons, a dozen head and tail light tetras and a red, white and blue betta, and my 20 column with just the two angels, and, especially, the betta sorority.  
I assume I have a few days before I begin to lose the bacteria already in that filter so I have some time to try and get it right this time!!
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by l_l_l Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:26 pm

Congratulations on the purchase!

In a 29 Gallon, I'd probably go for a dwarf Cichlid tank, probably have a pair of German Rams and some other fish..

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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by nyleveiam Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:27 pm

My problem is that I know LESS than nothing about cichlids!!
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by l_l_l Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:34 pm

I don't see that as a problem, only another opportunity to learn! Smile


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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by Starfish Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:08 pm

From my reading, German blue rams prefer soft water, which is why I have never tried to keep them even though I would love to. My water is harder than yours, so you may be okay. Bolivian rams are hardier, don't require water as soft but are also less colourful. I have two African butterfly cichlids that are doing fine in my hard water with high pH. I don't know a lot about cichlids either, but like l_l_l said, it's a great excuse to learn. Cichlids are fun to watch, but can also be aggressive if they don't like each other.

What about rummy nose tetras. They are colourful and school nicely.
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by nyleveiam Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:47 am

Well, I ended up getting a bunch of swordtails because they were so pretty... the LFS guy, who IS good, really couldn't recommend cichlids without messing with my water lots and I really don't want to start doing that.
I didn't realize that so many swordtails get up to 4 or 5 inches. Last night I got 8... four greentails and 4 yellow ones with black tails. And, the best part... it was "free" Tuesday and they were buy two, get two free so I got all eight for $6.
BUT... we have decided I can safely add a school of Rummy's to my 55 with the betta girls. There is tons of room and the girls are still quite young and social. He also thought they might help with the over feeding issues.
Also, cichlids wouldn't leave my plants alone and I want PLANTS!!! He did say I could perhaps put in some Kribs, but then I have the aggression if they pair and breed, however he didn't think they would breed in my water. I HATE aggression, I want to relax when I watch the fish.
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by Starfish Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:23 am

Congrats on the new fish. What a great deal!  Very Happy Sounds like you have a good plan. I school of rummys will look great in a 55.
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by l_l_l Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:49 am

Superb! I love swordtails but not enough to have a tank full of them..
Your LFS looks like a nice place to go, he seems to care and actually give you good advice.
How large of a school are you going to get for your 55?
I love rummynose tetras myself and have a school of 12 in my 46G.
They are very fun to watch.

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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by Sbenson11 Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:23 pm

Congratulations on the new fish.


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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by alexmtl Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:35 pm

Livebearers? Excellent choice. Swordtails are really beautiful and active.
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by nyleveiam Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:24 pm

I am thinking I will get a dozen rummy's... I LOVE, LOVE my betta girls but I miss having a school and there is a lot of unused landscape in that huge tank.  The girls have two places where they pretty much hang out...both at the top with large "rafts" of water sprite.  That's where they sleep and eat and when not chasing the squashed snails (hey, they LOVE them!) or my laser light, that is where they usually are.  The cories keep to the two big ceramic decorations on the bottom and the rest of the tank is empty.  

Right now I actually have 12 swordtails... I had four males in my 40 so I moved them over with the new ones.  They satisfy my desire for different colors and "flash" and they are easy with the water I have.  That's important to me, too, since I can go directly from the faucet since I have good well water.  That and a python makes water changes easy peasy and water changes are what makes clear water and clean tanks!  I do use prime for any metals in the water, but don't have to worry about chlorine and chloramines which makes life with multiple tanks very easy.  
The lfs guy said the swords may not breed with my hard water but, you know, that doesn't even matter to me.  I don't need them to breed, and if they do it will be survival of the fittest!!!
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New tank, need some suggestions... Empty Re: New tank, need some suggestions...

Post by Biulu Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:09 pm

I am sure your swords will breed. My water here in mex is at least 250 ppm and as you may know, swords come from Mexico.

I wouldn't worry too much about the kribs; they will defend their eggs and fry but I have never had them causing mayhem in my community tanks. I actually love kribs and they are ideal harder water dwarf cichlids.

Another bottom dweller that does well in harder water are several loach types. I keep zebra and histrionica loaches and they are funny, active creatures. Mine make spawning moves but I understand they will only breed successfully with hormone additions so nothing ever comes of it.

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