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PUBLIC FORUM : Welcome to Canada Aquaria !

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PUBLIC FORUM : Welcome to Canada Aquaria ! Empty PUBLIC FORUM : Welcome to Canada Aquaria !

Post by alexmtl Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:25 pm

Welcome to Canada Aquaria !

This is a forum community that you will find to be warm, friendly and inviting. We encourage you to sign in by registering, but if you have a specific question that you want answered, you can post it here ! We have many members who are highly experienced covering many areas of the aquarium hobby (including terrariums, palaudriums and ponds) : from goldfish, bettas, plants, invertebrates and snails, livebearers, cichlids, saltwater and brackish, catfish and schooling fish, to name just a few.

This is a public forum section. Canada Aquaria has a host of community members that have been through most of the ups and downs of setting up an aquarium. This area is provided as a posting area for you. In order to see more of the discussions please log in.  

If you are new, you may have a question that you are seeking answers for. Perhaps you have an idea that you want to bounce off some of our mentors. If you are an experienced hobbyist and are looking for like-minded enthusiasts, we have a growing community building upon years of experience and expertise. Welcome and post away !Very Happy Looking forward to hearing from you !
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