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Someone save me/justify this.

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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Someone save me/justify this.

Post by l_l_l Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:55 pm

Let me explain.
I have what some people would call: a fascination.
And it is not stranger to you guys/girls.
I am fascinated by fish.
My father knows this and for my birthday, he offered me a 50$ gift card for a fish shop I like to go at.
Woop dee woop!
I am pretty much all set with equipement, test kits, ferts, medication, food...
What should I buy with this?!

I will be honnest with you, I have started to look at Bolivian Rams recently.. But I don't think I could add them to any of my tanks. Well... Maybe I could add a couple in my 20g, but my shrimp would go extinct.


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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by Sbenson11 Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:00 pm

Sorry can't help you there,

I'm to far gone myself.


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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by GaryE Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:17 pm

Has it struck you yet that your kind father is trying to save you from the worst of conditions, not enough aquariums syndrome?
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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by caoder Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:40 pm

Plants fish filters.....tanks! But seriously, an extra filter or power head on tanks are always beneficial.
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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by l_l_l Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:11 pm

Gary, if I keep up the pace, in one your I would be at 10 tanks and would soon be victim of not enough room syndrome.
Actually, it's already the case.
Plants are for sure on my buy list, as for powerheads or filters, I don't think I need some, having to actually dose nitrates to my tanks due to massive amount of plants.

Well.. I've been thinking, I might try to breed my peacock gudgeons, so maybe I'll get some breeding supplies! :O

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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by Shell Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:53 pm

The last time we had a pet shop gift card (for $30), we stocked up on frozen bloodworms and shrimp for the fish  Wink 
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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by Biulu Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:29 pm

What a luxury! Having the money to spend on fish and not knowing what to do with it?! I don't mind accompanying you and those 50 dollars will be spent in no time!

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Someone save me/justify this. Empty Re: Someone save me/justify this.

Post by l_l_l Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:03 am

Hahaha, I know right?
I'm pretty sure that just by setting foot in that place I'll find ideas to buy 3x ammount of the gift card Razz
Just looking for some ideas really!

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