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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus

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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus Empty Echinodorus brevipedicellutus

Post by guppyguy Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:13 pm

This is my favorite sword plant and a very beautiful one. It is usually used as a center or focal plant in the aquarium. It can grow to 16 inches in height and has light green, and arched leaves which are 3/4 inches wide. They have long narrow leaf blades.

This plant is often confused with Echinodorus bleheri which is the more common of the two plants. It likes medium bright light, warm water and a medium fine gravel bed. Propagation is by adventitious roots or by runner. It prefers a pH of 6.5-7.2 and a temp of 74-82 degrees F.

Like most Echinodorus species, it grows well both submersed and emersed. This plant will produce runner stalks where plantlets form along the nodes. Once roots form on the plantlets, they can be gently wiggled off the runner and planted. Be careful not to break or damage the runner as more plantlets will grow on the same runner in a few months!

The original "mother" plant tends to drop many of its larger leaves when it starts developing runners and results in a smaller but still very attractive plant.

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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus Dscf8010

Last edited by guppyguy on Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 2165
Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus Empty Re: Echinodorus brevipedicellutus

Post by CAAIndie Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:36 pm

It looks like that sword is massive. How big is that one? What tank is it in? Looks like a nice centerpiece.

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Join date : 2013-09-06


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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus Empty Re: Echinodorus brevipedicellutus

Post by hello_rockview12 Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:06 pm

Hmmmmm, I think I have this one and not an Amazon Sword....

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Location : Regina

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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus Empty Re: Echinodorus brevipedicellutus

Post by guppyguy Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:02 pm

CanadaAquariaAdmin wrote:It looks like that sword is massive. How big is that one? What tank is it in? Looks like a nice centerpiece.

Well pictures can do amazing things. This plant is actually in a 10 gallon tank. But it take up half the tank and when I first put it in it was only 3 inches tall with 4 leaves. This one is pushing for max size for this species. Right now its at about 14 inches. It make the 10 gallon really pop as the only other plants with it are crypts and pygmy chain sword.

Posts : 2165
Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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Echinodorus brevipedicellutus Empty Re: Echinodorus brevipedicellutus

Post by guppyguy Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:04 pm

hello_rockview12 wrote:Hmmmmm, I think I have this one and not an Amazon Sword....

This plant is the smaller cousin to the typical amazon sword you see in the stores that get much larger than 16 inches. Certain key features help identify it. The leave width is one of the most obvious.

Posts : 2165
Join date : 2014-01-24
Location : Wheatley, ON

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