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ooops missed one...

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ooops missed one... Empty ooops missed one...

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:35 pm

So my usual Sat routine at work is to look after all the fish and still look like I am working. That when i do most of the water changes, filter cleaning, etc.

Well the tank in my wife's office is kind of out of the way and I don't feed those fish so it's sort of out of sight out of mind kind of thing. Well it seems I have missed this one for at least two weeks. Shocked 

Went in to clean the filter and decided to check the water parameters at the same time.

ooops, sorry dear, a 50% water change was also in order.

ooops missed one... Paradise-20131123-00793_zps72356a91


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Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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ooops missed one... Empty Re: ooops missed one...

Post by JayB Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:08 pm

With all that you have going on at the moment (building and moving all your koi into their winter residence), it's easy to see how you missed that tank. I'm sure the fish are very happy now with the water change.
Angel Fish
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ooops missed one... Empty Re: ooops missed one...

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:19 pm


With the results of the water test yesterday I decided to change some more water in this tank today.

The problem is that I started the siphon going into a 5gal bucket and once again I got distracted doing something else. I came back about 15gal to late. So I flooded my wife's office again. Sad

The fish are all fine, the stuff that was on the floor of her office, not so much.


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Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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ooops missed one... Empty Re: ooops missed one...

Post by Shell Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:18 pm

Sbenson11 wrote:Well,

With the results of the water test yesterday I decided to change some more water in this tank today.

The problem is that I started the siphon going into a 5gal bucket and once again I got distracted doing something else. I came back about 15gal to late. So I flooded my wife's office again. Sad

The fish are all fine, the stuff that was on the floor of her office, not so much.

If it makes you feel any better, hubby just flooded the laundry room while filling up a water holding bin. This is the fourth time he did this...many of the linoleum tiles are toast now  Shocked

PS - Hubby just asked me to thank you for making him feel better about himself Razz tongue
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ooops missed one... Empty Re: ooops missed one...

Post by goldfishbetalover Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:22 pm

my goodness u guys are making an awful mess!!!! lol
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