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A walk around the fishroom

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A walk around the fishroom Empty A walk around the fishroom

Post by GaryE Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:57 am

I had set aside this morning for water changes, and didn't I go and cut my hand. So while it heals, I took a walk around the north wall of my fish room, and took some snaphots of how things stood this morning.
A walk around the fishroom Aberra10
These are juvenile Procatopus aberrans, in the first tank you'd see if you came through the door. They are only 20% adults size and colour, but are on their way.
A walk around the fishroom Neza1110
Below them, you find my favourite swordtail. Here's a young male X nezahualcoyotl.
A walk around the fishroom Hetluc10
Next come the Florida fish - the killifish, Lucania goodei and the strangely similar Heterandria formosa livebearer.
A walk around the fishroom Young_10
In that tank, I also have three or four Guatemalan Poecilia petenensis sailfin mollies growing - they are still very young.
A walk around the fishroom Teq110
Lower down are my almost extinct Zoogoneticus tequila, The big adults decided to hide, but this little male was out and about.
A walk around the fishroom Bit2a_10
I found the ultimate show off killie, Aphyosemion biteniatum Lagos showing off as usual. This fish gives spectacular photo ops, constantly. I have a colony going in a 20 gallon.
A walk around the fishroom Noto1a10
Another lampeye is growing beside them, Procatopus nototaenia. Again, these are babies. They will become spectacular fish.
A walk around the fishroom Mon1_610
My montezumae swords were busy. I removed the predators I had in there to control overpopulation last week, and already have fry running along the gravel.
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by JayB Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:06 am

Cutting your hand can certainly put a damper on doing water changes. Hope it's not too serious. Glad you decided to use the time to snap some photos. I love your moneaumae swords. Glad to hear they're busy doing what all good livebearers do (busy adding to the population).
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by alexmtl Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:32 am

Thanks for sharing. Great to see some of your fish. Really you should set up a store front and charge admission to the West Island Rare Wildlife and Piscararium Facility.
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by Starfish Sat Oct 26, 2013 1:36 pm

Thanks for the photos. Gotta love that show-off killie. I take it these are fish that would not typically be found in an LFS.
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by Fores41 Sat Oct 26, 2013 2:09 pm

I love looking at your fish Gary and may try to get some Killie fish some day from you (but need more tanks and space before that will happen)
Thank you for sharing
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by GaryE Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:13 pm

"I take it these are fish that would not typically be found in an LFS. "

Yes and no. My love of lampeyes grew out of a shipment to a local store, but I haven't seen them there in quite a few years. They'd classify as occasional visitors to large stores.
One of the breedrs who got the two swordtails from me has been selling them to a smaller local store with a connaisseur clientele, and I'm tolld the montezumae sell especially well. They aren't on wholesale lists, but are sold from a breeder.
If I could produce 100 biteniatum at a shot, a fish like that would be a good seller. But they lay a few eggs a day, and that makes mass production/fishfarm sales unlikely.
I got the tequilas from a local store originally, but I only ever saw them sold there once. They can be on lists from European sellers, but retail at close to ten bucks each - not attractive to stores.
The mollies will be beautiful, but they are grey, and grey can't compete with the multi-coloured hybrid strains.

My fish are not necessarily the most colourful, but I like them. For me, the kick is biodiversity. I like to see how evolution plays out. A swordtail from one region looks like montezumae, and another region gives you the nezahualcoyotl look. There are all the things between too. It's a great show.
Likewise witjh my mollies - all are similar, but the interest is in the subtle differences. I can't say "why" - no one can. But it is something to observe, even in a little fishtank.
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by FISH CRAZY Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:43 pm

Nice photos and grate looking fish GaryE

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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:25 pm

Cool shots,

No sharp objects for you anymore. Very Happy 


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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by GaryE Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:46 pm

A walk around the fishroom Xiphid10

A few more - between periods of the hockey game. I actually cut my knuckle on a tank top (recycled glass - missed a spot sanding) so I can change water tomorrow. So above, we have some of the Xiphophorus xiphidium sucker4plecos generously traded with me. That's a new one for me.
A walk around the fishroom Butler10

Poecila butleri, from the same trade. This one is funny, because I first bred it when I was 8. Only I thought it was sphenops. I kept marble mollies for years and bred them many many times, always wondering why their mouths weren't at all like any other form of sphenops. Then I got these Pacific Coast mollies, and realized why...
A walk around the fishroom Dub1_610
Here's a male Melanotaenia duboulayi rainbow.
A walk around the fishroom Saj_6410
Here's a nice little Cryptoheros sajica.
A walk around the fishroom Taen_610
Here are some Pelvicachromis taeniatus Moliwe.
A walk around the fishroom Kam_6410
An immature kamaka rainbow...
A walk around the fishroom Evel1_10
And finally, to bring it the full circle, some X evelynae wild-type platys. They are a fish I have had here for a long time.
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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by barvinok Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:29 pm

Thank you for allowing us in your fish room


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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by FISH CRAZY Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:33 pm

You have some nice fish and a good camera to Wink 

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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by CAAIndie Sun Oct 27, 2013 12:52 pm

Looks fantastic Gary. Love seeing the Pelvicachromis

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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by Biulu Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:05 pm

I love it! Maybe you should cut your hand once more in the same way, so we get to see the other fish too! Laughing 

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A walk around the fishroom Empty Re: A walk around the fishroom

Post by ownedbycats Mon Oct 28, 2013 2:04 pm

GaryE Thank you for the photos. Without you posting about these less common fish, I'd never know most of these species even exist.
The killie and the pelvicachromis are spectacular, and the livebearers are lovely, just in a quieter way.

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