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Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community

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Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community Empty Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community

Post by KYBMALO Mon Dec 31, 2018 9:32 am


I am fairly new to the aquarium community. I have one 3.5 gal tank with a single male beta and i recently set up a 65 gallon freshwater aquarium. It is NOT stocked yet.
I am looking for some thoughts on my plan to stock this new 65 gal tank.
Here goes:

Top: Dalmatian Mollies (x2), FEMALE betas (x3)
Middle: Neon Tetras (x12) & Platies (x12)
Bottom: Kuhli Loaches (x6), Gold Mystery Snail (x1), Algae Eater (x1)

I am totally looking for ANY advice. Like I said, I am a beginner so if you disagree with this arrangement please tell me! I want my fish to have a happy and peaceful life in my tank Smile

Let me know what you think please!
Thank you!
Fish Fry
Fish Fry

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Join date : 2018-12-31

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Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community Empty Re: Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community

Post by alexmtl Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:15 pm

I am fairly new to the aquarium community. It is NOT stocked yet.
I am looking for some thoughts on my plan to stock this new 65 gal tank.


Welcome to the forum. What a great way to start off the New Year !

1. I would recommend to stabilize the tank first. This may take at least a month. You may wish to start with one or two after a couple of weeks if you have seeded the tank with old filter media or nitrogen bacteria starter.
2. The fish are a nice selection and the numbers are in line with the type and size of fish.
3. What type of water do you have (well water, soft water, location) as this would give some indication of what fish would work well. While all the fish you have mentioned are farmed and suitable to most conditions, they still have preferences. For example, platies are hard water fish, vs tetras which are soft water. In general most LFS stock are well suited to most water.

I am sure other members will pipe in on this one... Very Happy
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Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community Empty Re: Stocking new 65 Gal Freshwater Community

Post by Shell Fri Jan 11, 2019 8:53 pm

Alex had some great advice - How are things going with your new set up?
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