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Nori Flakes?

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Nori Flakes? Empty Nori Flakes?

Post by Scotiaquatics Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:32 am

Has anyone heard of feeding their fish "Nori Flakes"? They are a type of seaweed (also used as sushi wrap). Very healthy for humans so they must be good for fish. I am a bit hesitant on the outcome whereas the Nori flakes taste salty (obviously, seaweed right!) I did a trial run last night, just put a few flakes in the tank and the fish gobbled it up with what seamed enthusiastic to me.

If anyone has any information on this topic please weigh in.

Thank you

Fish Fry
Fish Fry

Posts : 7
Join date : 2018-03-13

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Nori Flakes? Empty Re: Nori Flakes?

Post by Fores41 Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:24 pm

I would only feed as a treat as they may have some ingredients like Soya sauce and if nothing else the salt would not be great for the fish on a daily basis. I could see this being hard on their livers causing Dropsy or (Pine cone) disease possibly. Hope this helps.
Pleco Poster
Pleco Poster

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Nori Flakes? Empty Re: Nori Flakes?

Post by Scotiaquatics Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:13 pm

The bottle of nori flakes states that this particular product is all natural and organic, with nothing added. I did only buy the bottle in hopes of it being a well enjoyed treat by my gillish friends.

Fish Fry
Fish Fry

Posts : 7
Join date : 2018-03-13

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