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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:52 pm

What is this ?. I treated for ich and bacterial infections for a month loll like 3 weeks ago.What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease 20170836

Dee Sydney

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:03 pm

I feed blood worms and flake food

Dee Sydney

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Repteel Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:21 pm

I believe that it can be cause by anything from stress to internal parasites.  I would watch it for a few days / week and see if it improves or more symptoms show.  Hopefully someone with a little more experience can chime in.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:00 pm

Repteel wrote:I believe that it can be cause by anything from stress to internal parasites.  I would watch it for a few days / week and see if it improves or more symptoms show.  Hopefully someone with a little more experience can chime in.

They dont always poo like this .my angel poos like this when shes being bullied and then thé same day she can poo bright red like my flake food. No White dots on anyfish

Dee Sydney

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Fores41 Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:01 pm

I agree with Repteel on this one it usually is a sign of internal parisites and not a whole lot you can do that I know of. Maybe someone like Gary or Steve will have a better answer and a possible cure. On my fish it usually clears up on its own. By the way bright red stools are not good for any species fish or mammal unless you have just eaten beats.
Pleco Poster
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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Poppy Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:02 pm

The bloodworms you feed, are they frozen or freeze dried?
Just asking because freeze dried can cause constipation if you don't re-hydrate these first.

White stringy poop is usually a sign of internal parasites, there are meds you can get, you can also try soaking some foods in garlic juice (squeezed garlic). There are some who say it has helped their fish.

Long ago I had some platies who sometimes had such poops and they were fine. So, quite possibly it might have been stress related.

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:13 pm

Poppy wrote:The bloodworms you feed, are they frozen or freeze dried?
Just asking because freeze dried can cause constipation if you don't re-hydrate these first.

White stringy poop is usually a sign of internal parasites, there are meds you can get, you can also try soaking some foods in garlic juice (squeezed garlic). There are some who say it has helped their fish.

Long ago I had some platies who sometimes had such poops and they were fine. So, quite possibly it might have been stress related.

Freez dried...no sign of ich. ..and yes they poo red from my flake food its almost flourensent color

Dee Sydney

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:37 pm

Fores41 wrote:I agree with Repteel on this one it usually is a sign of internal parisites and not a whole lot you can do that I know of. Maybe someone like Gary or Steve will have a better answer and a possible cure. On my fish it usually clears up on its own. By the way bright red stools are not good for any species fish or mammal unless you have just eaten beats.
Its not every poop that is stringy and White. Its just all my fish in my 30 gallon are doing it every once in a while .i have platies and mollies 2 baby Platininum gouramis 3 small platinum angelfish and a few guppies .a few of thém do White string poo but not every poop.loll
I have flake food thats bright red and they poo reddish when they eat it.some times its red brown and when i give bloodworms its usually brownish whitish or even thats when i notice thé stringy White. Sometimes when i dont feed thém all day they still have little stringy white poos

Dee Sydney

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:38 pm

Whats the best for internal parasites?

Dee Sydney

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What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease Empty Re: What is is going On? I really hope it is not disease

Post by Dee Sydney Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:40 pm

None of my fish are isolated and they all eat like champs.

Dee Sydney

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Location : canada

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