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New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall

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New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall  Empty New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall

Post by mikebike Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:36 pm

A fellow on Craigslist was selling some acrylic cylineders 14" in diameter.
So I contacted him and bought one and had him glue in a bottom and cut a top.

I how have a new round tank to build.
I want to drill the bottom and put a drain in to my sump - bought that too<G>

I hope to incoporate a center drain and overflow into the sump.

I will add photos as it goes together.

PS: does the composer have a spell check?
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

Posts : 289
Join date : 2013-09-09
Location : Surrey BC


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New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall  Empty Re: New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall

Post by JayB Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:44 pm

Sounds really cool. Can't wait to see it.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Join date : 2013-09-09
Location : New Westminster, BC

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New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall  Empty Re: New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall

Post by mikebike Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:00 pm

I have to get a few parts before I can start assembly.
I intend to have a float valve to prevent sump overflow on the drain, but need to read up on sumps as I have nevery used one before.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Join date : 2013-09-09
Location : Surrey BC


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New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall  Empty Re: New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall

Post by the clean guy Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:23 pm

Sounds interesting, looking forward to reading about your progress post lots of pics
the clean guy
the clean guy
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Location : Ottawa

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New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall  Empty Re: New 14 inch diameter X 20" tall

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:20 pm

mikebike wrote:A fellow on Craigslist was selling some acrylic cylineders 14" in diameter.
So I contacted him and bought one and had him glue in a bottom and cut a top.

I how have a new round tank to build.
I want to drill the bottom and put a drain in to my sump - bought that too<G>

I hope to incoporate a center drain and overflow into the sump.

I will add photos as it goes together.

PS: does the composer have a spell check?
Sounds like a cool project Mike,

Spell check?

it will underline and potentially miss-spelled words and you then highlight the word and right click on it, that will give you potential options. If it's a long winded post I compose it in Microsoft word and past it in after all of my thousand misspelled words are corrected.


Posts : 2627
Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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