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High GH test what is up ???

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High GH test what is up ??? Empty High GH test what is up ???

Post by cichlid maniac Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:34 pm

I have been working on getting this tank going for months cycled well and had my spikes across the board added some hardy cycle fish . started to get my PH and KH leveled out with alot of peat as the water is really hard here but my GH wont budge and i cant figure it out . i have done this for along time and have always had to use/deal with hard water but first time with this problem any suggestions .
cichlid maniac
cichlid maniac
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High GH test what is up ??? Empty Re: High GH test what is up ???

Post by alexmtl Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:48 pm

Ok. Here is where my simplistic understanding is on water chemistry (apologies to the chemists in the crowd).

TDS : measure of EC which covers most dissolved solids and chemicals, includes GH, KH and ionic components as well as nitrogen forms and wastes.
GH : measure of Magnesium and Calcium in the water.
KH : buffering capacity of water, variable based upon pH, and measures carbonate component.

If your GH won't budge, and it looks like you have the experience and the knowledge to remedy, I can't suggest more than what you are doing.

The only other angle, which may or may not work is to use RO (or distilled water) to dilute the concentrations. Other than that, install a water softener system (ion exchange). Peat you have already tried. IDunno (scratching head)
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High GH test what is up ??? Empty Re: High GH test what is up ???

Post by cichlid maniac Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:12 pm

i have been leaning in that direction i have one more thought . the tap water actually has a lower GH than the tank water with the peat made me think its something i have in the tank . i recently added some rocks nothing special just for decoration and they have a reddish colour wich would suggest iron and therefor a high mineral content im going to remove them and test in a few days and see if that may be the problem . to me this seems odd that it would have that effect but who knows . the KH and PH both dropped slightly again today so the peat is working .thank you for your thoughts i was feeling lost .
cichlid maniac
cichlid maniac
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High GH test what is up ??? Empty Re: High GH test what is up ???

Post by alexmtl Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:40 pm

Hmmm, the rocks. I think we have a few geology experts on the forum. Yes strange that one tank is so hard to control. So interesting.

Is your avatar a Severum ?? That is one gorgeous cichlid
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High GH test what is up ??? Empty Re: High GH test what is up ???

Post by cichlid maniac Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:28 am

Yeah I'm think that's has to be the issue as i have never had this issue . It is (heros libifer) mouth brooding sevreum . They are really nice hard to find !
cichlid maniac
cichlid maniac
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High GH test what is up ??? Empty Re: High GH test what is up ???

Post by l_l_l Thu Apr 06, 2017 8:48 am

I have a tank that is half full with aquascaping rocks and the GH is quite high in it. I would guess your rocks also are doing this to your tank.

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High GH test what is up ??? Empty Re: High GH test what is up ???

Post by Fores41 Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:47 pm

If you Get any to breed for you I would be interested in some Heros Libifer babies.
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