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Action day for rivers

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Action day for rivers Empty Action day for rivers

Post by Biulu Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:05 pm

Tuesday, March 14 is the 20th Day of Action for Rivers.

The International Day of Action Against Dams and For Rivers, Water and Life was adopted by the participants of the first International Meeting of People Affected by Dams, March 1997 in Curitiba Brazil. Representatives from 20 countries decided that the International Day of Action would take place on March 14 - Brazil's Day of Action Against Large Dams. Our aim on this International Day of Action for Rivers, is to raise our voices in unison against destructive water development projects, reclaim the health of our watersheds, and demand the equitable and sustainable management of our rivers.

For us as fish enthusiasts, the dams greatly affect fish diversity.

This year, those interested in participating in this yearly event to raise awareness are offered a film screening about the Belo Monte Dam in Brazil and its impacts on livelihoods and environment in the famous Xingu river, home of many unique and interesting fish habitats.

You can obtain a free copy of the documentary from: Margaret Zhou <dayofaction@internationalrivers.org>.

More information about the action day and the NGO international rivers can be found on: https://www.internationalrivers.org/

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Join date : 2013-09-12
Location : Montreal, Quebec

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