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Stocking a 9 non std tank

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Stocking a 9 non std tank Empty Stocking a 9 non std tank

Post by l_l_l Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:35 am

Hey everybody!
I have a 9gallon Eheim tank that is quite different in size.
It is rather high, and not really long.
I used to have a dwarf puffer but it unfortunately died on me while I was on vacation. I thought I gave it enough snails, but looks like I didn't Sad
I really like it altho, now I can't think of what fish I could put in it.
I'm wanting to get a betta, altho I'd really like to get non standard fish.

My question is,
What would YOU guys put in a 14" x 12" x 12" high tank?

Any of you Montrealers able to supply me with any fish that would greatly enjoy this planted tank?

Cheers! Very Happy

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Join date : 2014-03-08
Location : Montreal, QC


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Stocking a 9 non std tank Empty Re: Stocking a 9 non std tank

Post by ksimdjembe Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:48 am

*cough* Planted with Killifish *cough*

Just make sure it has a lid.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Stocking a 9 non std tank Empty Re: Stocking a 9 non std tank

Post by Shell Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:36 pm

I would give that space to a betta fish! cheers So...I am not very helpful! Razz

Looking forward to seeing what else others suggest and what you decide on for this tank!
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Stocking a 9 non std tank Empty Re: Stocking a 9 non std tank

Post by alexmtl Tue Jan 26, 2016 6:15 pm

l_l_l wrote:My question is,
What would YOU guys put in a 14" x 12" x 12" high tank?

Any of you Montrealers able to supply me with any fish that would greatly enjoy this planted tank?

Cheers! Very Happy

My first thought is shrimp. Sorry, I don't breed shrimp so I cannot supply you.
My second thought is sparkling gouramis. Sorry I don't have these either but I loved them when I had them.
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