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Is this normal?

the clean guy
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Is this normal? - Page 2 Empty Is this normal?

Post by Sandman1969 Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:34 pm

First topic message reminder :

I just happened to notice today, that my Aquaclear 500 had "muck" at the top of the filter mixed in with the bio-max.
I have the Aquaclear sponge at the bottom & then 2 bags of bio-max on top. Been running this way for a good month now & just seen the build up.
Is that normal?
I used to have 2 sponges and one biomax bag and had never seen any build up on the top sponge.

I have added a sheet of filter floss on top of the sponge to help out.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Is this normal? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Sandman1969 Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:51 pm

Sbenson11 wrote:cool fish and yes they grow fast,

maybe I missed it, what size tank is this ?

They are in a 30 gallon. And yes, we know the Koi will get too big for it. We will eventually find a home for it.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Is this normal? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:56 pm

goldfishbetalover wrote:can goldfish live with fancies?  I thought no but perhaps they can?!
They sure can,

The fantails will have to work a little harder to fight for the food in a crowd, but in small numbers they should be fine.

I have a fantail and an oranda in a 275gal tank with about 70 other single tail goldfish/Koi and the do fine.


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Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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Is this normal? - Page 2 Empty Re: Is this normal?

Post by Sbenson11 Sat Nov 09, 2013 6:58 pm

Sandman1969 wrote:
Sbenson11 wrote:cool fish and yes they grow fast,

maybe I missed it, what size tank is this ?

They are in a 30 gallon. And yes, we know the Koi will get too big for it. We will eventually find a home for it.
I wasn't going to say that Smile

I was going to say, when he gets to big for his current home ship him down to me Shocked 


Posts : 2627
Join date : 2013-09-08
Location : Mt.Pearl, Newfoundland

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