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Think I might be losing my pleco

Mathodo Shire
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Sandman1969 Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:34 pm

First topic message reminder :

Not sure what is wrong, but I cannot remember the last time I saw him eat and he will not touch any zucchini and he used to gorge on this stuff.

I have done a few water changes recently such as a 50% about a week ago & another this past Friday morning with a small one yesterday.
On the top of his head, just at the base of his dorsal, it is a bit indented and his underside seems bloated. Not sure if I am looking at the right spot. I was able to grab him with not much of a struggle and I can feel a film on him.
He's around 10+ years old. Called my buddy at Big Al's and he suggested General Cure by API. So I am currently treating the tank.

Not sure what else I can do for him at this point.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Suprd71 Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:00 am

Dorsal rays are not an indicator of age, they are more an identifier of species. 10 or less are the "commons" that max out around a foot long. I have one, 4yrs and done growing. Pretty well a twin to the one you just lost. I would wager his first several yrs of life did some extensive damage, and contributed to his possible early demise, moreso than the time with you. As for the blood, I couldnt say. Maybe something else took a peck at him after passing?
Angel Fish
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Sandman1969 Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:10 am

Ok, gonna try this again. Request timed out when hitting send???

Anyways...the other pleco I had, had about 20 rays and was over a foot. I was here & watched him pass with a final jerk movement at death. He was fairly heavy and a bit bloated. My sharks don't eat meat & never touched him. The blood came from his underside, not sure if anus or the other part, I assume as that spot was reddish.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Suprd71 Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:29 am

Yep your other plec was the monster kind. 20 rays, thats a lot! 11 or more are the Hypostomus Plecos(I'm pretty sure?), BigAls Barrie had one couple years back, I swear 2ft long! We'll never know the exact cause of death of your guy. Maybe ingested something with a rough edge, put a tear in his innards? Total guess, just unknown.
Angel Fish
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by GaryE Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:02 am

One thing you might want to consider is heat. Summer in a non air-conditioned environment can accelerate problems. It's when I used to lose the elderly fish, before we got AC.
Any water quality issues are worse in oxygen poor warm water. So you may be seeing seasonal issues.
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Sandman1969 Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:31 am

What's the max temp for a pleco?

Angel Fish
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by GaryE Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:20 pm

Just on their own, they can easily tolerate around 30. It's the other life in the tank that goes out of whack - the bacteria, the wastes, the parasites without hosts... decay is accelerated, which consumes oxygen. 

I find once you are above 26, problems in a tank are boosted.

BTW, I missed the post that said you'd lost him. That's bad news.
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Sandman1969 Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:29 pm

Ya, he passed last night with me watching him. At least I was here unlike when the other died.

The max temp so far has been 82F. Right now, it's 77.1F.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by fish lady Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:21 pm

sorry to hear
fish lady
fish lady
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Think I might be losing my pleco - Page 2 Empty Re: Think I might be losing my pleco

Post by Sandman1969 Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:39 pm

The sad thing is, I keep seeing him squirming in the container I put him in, as if he was just in a coma like state. But I waited a bit to see if he'd snap out of it & start breathing again.

Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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