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My Newest Addition to my Addiction

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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Shell Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:15 pm

My hubby, sister, her two children, and I went to the local fish club social this afternoon; we were late arriving, so missed out on the aquarium photography talk. Crying or Very sad

But, we were in time for the 50/50 draw, door prizes, and to see the last few items up for sale or trade. Sooooo...I spent $25 and left with a 20g high with hood, lights, filter, and heater, as well as 15 brand new fake plants from a door prize. What, you may ask, am I going to do with this tank? Well, isn't that a good question...I truly am nuts.

It sure was a fun day though!

PS - sis also spent $25 and left with the exact same set-up Wink  

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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by CAAIndie Sat Sep 28, 2013 5:07 pm

More tanks. I am so jealous, I would be doing backflips if I were to get another tank.

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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Starfish Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:28 pm

Congrats on the prizes and the great score on tanks for both you and your sister. Is she already into fish-keeping, or has she been influenced by you?
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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by the clean guy Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:18 am

I'm jealous also. I would love to start another tank but there is to much work around the house right now so it will have to wait Sad 
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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Shell Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:08 am

Thanks all - so nice to hear "congrats" instead of "sigh, you got another tank...really? You have enough tanks!"!!

Starfish wrote:Congrats on the prizes and the great score on tanks for both you and your sister. Is she already into fish-keeping, or has she been influenced by you?
Sis has had betta fish for awhile, but has now progressed into bigger tanks  with gold fish (you just may have 'bumped' into her on this forum!)...and, yep, my family blames me for her new addiction! We all, however, have big heats in our family, especially when it comes to animals, and so I really don't think I am to blame Wink 

We grew up surrounded by dogs, cats, fish, hamsters, rabbits - you name it! Sis has rescued many dogs over the years; and hubby and I use to have skinny pigs who never lived in a typical pen, they had a huge playpen and ran free in the upstairs hallway and living room when we were home. We lost our last piggy, Edgar, about two years ago. Where I was busy with grad school, and hubby was working two jobs, we decided it would be best not to bring anyone else into our home until we knew we would be around more.

I had no idea we would go from skinny pigs to fishies! I have to admit that our first tank was an impulse buy, but as I leaned more and my love grew for these little finned babies, these fish have become a huge part of our lives!!

Also, as I have learned more, I have decided not to buy fish from pet and fish shops anymore. So, if I do use this new 20g, it will house someone in need of a home (or maybe two compatible someones; since I now have two 20g tanks, each could act as a QT). We'll see...   Very Happy
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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Sep 29, 2013 12:26 pm

The sickness continues,

Did you get Joey's Autograph Very Happy 


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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Shell Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:29 pm

Sbenson11 wrote:The sickness continues,

Did you get Joey's Autograph Very Happy 

Didn't get his autograph...but I got to see his ray tank - VERY impressive!!
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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Sbenson11 Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:42 pm

What a reef tank that would make.

Kind of a waste really, but then I'm not into Rays.


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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by Shell Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:46 pm

Sbenson11 wrote:What a reef tank that would make.

Kind of a waste really, but then I'm not into Rays.

As the saying goes, "To each his own". I was actually imagining a bunch of clown loaches in there - now that would be a cool set-up!! Wink 
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My Newest Addition to my Addiction Empty Re: My Newest Addition to my Addiction

Post by alexmtl Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:59 pm

Congratulations on the new tank! And sis got one too! Don't give up on store bought fish though. You should probably set up a quarentine tank; I just feel that there are not too many options for getting interesting fish, and not getting LFS livestock may limit you.

You have a big heart! Thanks for telling us the stories, because I read each one. Better than fish magazines, and one of the highlights of each day.

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