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One or two filters?

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One or two filters? Empty One or two filters?

Post by Biulu Fri Mar 13, 2015 11:09 am

Even though I have space for a 120 gallon tank, I have decided to go for a 75 as I have simply not been able to find a nice stand for a 120.

I currently have a Rena XP 2 canister filter on my 30 gallon with which I am very happy. This filter still has a spraybar whereas the new models don't have these anymore.

For this new tank I will have to buy a new filter, but I now wonder whether I should add a filter of more or less the same size (or one size bigger) and run the 2 or only run 1 filter.

It is important to know that this will be a planted community tank with small fish that don't like too much current.

What is my best choice?

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by l_l_l Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:46 pm

I have heard of people combining canister filters with HOB filters with great success.
I'm not sure how well they do in planted tanks tho.

I am personally running a fluval 406 in my 77 gallon tank, with slow moving fish, at full blast, and they seem to be fine with it.
It is worth noting that I also set it with a spray bar (which cannot be bought anymore).

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by GaryE Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:29 am

I always run two if I can. Two filters rated for 40 gallons on a 55 are ideal, as the ratings are always wildly optimistic. Then again, the only tanks I use power filters on tend to have water flow loving fish.

Two filters are better when you have to clean media, for the live media, and also when a filter wears out or breaks.
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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by Suprd71 Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:52 pm

I would add an Aquaclear 70 or Fluval C4. Both reliable, quiet and efficient, and neither will make a disruptive current. The AC will give a good mechanical support to compliment he xp's bio. Edit that, I misread, thought the xp would go to the 75. The C4 is also an excellent bio filter, s I would do a C4 AC 70 combo.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by Biulu Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:26 pm

The xp will go to the 75 as the 20 gallon that I get back for it already has an xp as well.

I have an AC50 lying around; you think that is too small?

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by Suprd71 Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:48 pm

50 is kinda small imo. 70 is significantly bigger, more turnover etc. I run 3 70's on a 55g, but I'm a bit of a filter nut. Bigger fish and more bio load though. On a 75 I run a single xp3 with one medium sized cichlid. That works well too.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by Biulu Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:56 pm

How is the flow on your 55 gallon? I don't want to have too much current in there because of the fish I keep.

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by Suprd71 Tue Mar 17, 2015 7:40 am

I find with the Aquaclears, if you keep the water level up high, flow is minimal. A waterfall filter so to speak, so the further the outgoing drops to the water level, naturally the more current is produced. I like the water level down about an inch or two, allowing more O2 to be drawn into the water column. I am a fan and keeper of the bigger SA/CA fish, so water flow is not a concern for my fish. Need some serious flow to irritate foot long fish!
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by MEH Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:26 am

I like to use 2 filters because if something happens and one doesn't work, you aren't stranded until you buy a replacement.


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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by CAAIndie Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:44 pm

MEH wrote:I like to use 2 filters because if something happens and one doesn't work, you aren't stranded until you buy a replacement.

I feel the same way. I do two for increasing filtration, but having two eases my worries if one goes out.

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One or two filters? Empty Re: One or two filters?

Post by Corvette70 Thu Apr 09, 2015 12:57 pm

I always run two or more filters on my tanks then I alternate cleanings. I also run power heads on all my tanks for water movement. ( not planted tanks) I have always belived you can never over filtrate only over stimulate. If you can and the fish can handle the current in the tank use more filters. I'm running 2 fx5 filters a small box power head for polishing the water and 2 large power heads for flow I clean on filter every few months and It keeps my water perfect.
Angel Fish
Angel Fish

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